Hi Josie,
Here's a name and contact that you can share with Pressbooks.
Jane Butterfield - jvbutter@uvic.ca<mailto:jvbutter@uvic.ca>
From: BC Open <bcopen(a)lists.bccampus.ca>
Sent: March 6, 2025 8:48 AM
To: bcopen(a)lists.bccampus.ca
Cc: press <press(a)uvic.ca>
Subject: [Bcopen] Re: Math and Latex in Pressbooks - User Research Invitation
Hi Josie,
I believe that they are using WebWork.
I'll check with them first before sharing emails.
From: BC Open <bcopen@lists.bccampus.ca<mailto:bcopen@lists.bccampus.ca>>
Sent: March 6, 2025 8:10 AM
To: bcopen@lists.bccampus.ca<mailto:bcopen@lists.bccampus.ca>
Cc: press <press@uvic.ca<mailto:press@uvic.ca>>
Subject: [Bcopen] Re: Math and Latex in Pressbooks - User Research Invitation
Hi Inba,
Thanks for this information! Do you know the name of the platform?
For context, Pressbooks does support MathJax and MathML. In Pressbooks, you can write
equations in LaTeX and there is a MathJax plugin installed in Pressbooks that both renders
the LaTeX and translates the LaTeX into MathML. You can also insert MathML into Pressbooks
and it will render. I think right now Pressbooks is interested how to improve how all that
works within Pressbooks.
That said, I think it would also be helpful for Pressbooks to hear from an instructor who
uses a different platform because it better supports math/scientific authoring. If you
have someone in mind that you think may be able to provide that perspective, please have
them reach out to me.
Thanks so much for your input!
Josie Gray, MDes she/her/hers
Manager, Open Education
Hear my name<https://namedrop.io/josiegray>
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Learning. Doing. Leading.
BCcampus.ca<https://bccampus.ca/> *
Book time to meet with
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From: BC Open <bcopen@lists.bccampus.ca<mailto:bcopen@lists.bccampus.ca>>
Sent: Wednesday, March 5, 2025 17:15
To: bcopen@lists.bccampus.ca<mailto:bcopen@lists.bccampus.ca>
Cc: press <press@uvic.ca<mailto:press@uvic.ca>>
Subject: [Bcopen] Re: Math and Latex in Pressbooks - User Research Invitation
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or
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Hi Josie,
Most our math faculty use a different program to do math textbook, especially question and
answer sets. It's quite nice in the way it works. The quizzes seem to have some built
in features. I believe it is called MathJax. So, if they looked at that program for
suggestion to improve - that would be a way to go. Math folks at UBC also use it. I feel
like we would be asking them to change where they publish when it currently works very
well for them. I would prefer to see BCcampus offer a MathJax solution instead.
From: BC Open <bcopen@lists.bccampus.ca<mailto:bcopen@lists.bccampus.ca>>
Sent: March 5, 2025 2:59 PM
To: bcopen@lists.bccampus.ca<mailto:bcopen@lists.bccampus.ca>
Subject: [Bcopen] Math and Latex in Pressbooks - User Research Invitation
Hello BC Open folks,
Pressbooks has reached out to BCcampus to ask for suggestions of people they can talk to
get feedback and so they can improve the way that Pressbooks handles mathematical and
scientific notation, including improving their LaTeX support and updating or expanding
their use of MathJax.
They are specifically looking to conduct short user research interviews with "power
users" -- people who use LaTeX or math/scientific notation heavily in their teaching
and writing in order to better understand needs and pain points and to refine and
prioritize improvements and new features.
This is a really great opportunity to contribute to the improvement in how Pressbooks
handles math and scientific content. If you are interested (or know someone who might be)
please send me an email at jgray@bccampus.ca<mailto:jgray@bccampus.ca>, and I will
pass the information on to Pressbooks.
Josie Gray, MDes she/her/hers
Manager, Open Education
Hear my name<https://namedrop.io/josiegray>
Cell: 778-584-7808 * Email: jgray@bccampus.ca<mailto:jgray@bccampus.ca>
Bluesky: @josiea.bsky.social<https://bsky.app/profile/josiea.bsky.social> *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Learning. Doing. Leading.
BCcampus.ca<https://bccampus.ca/> *
As a settler, I am grateful to live and work in both Moh'kins'tsis on Treaty 7
lands, which includes the territories of the Blackfoot Confederacy (the Siksika, Piikani,
and Kainai Nations), the Tsuut'ina Nation, and the Stoney Nakoda (including the
Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Wesley Nations). This place is also home to Métis Nation of
Alberta, Region 3. I also spend a considerable time living in wâwâskesiwisâkahikan in the
very northern part of Treaty 6, the traditional and continued homelands of the Cree and
Métis Peoples.