If you want to review all the myths out there about OER , you can answer the very quick, short survey.
See email below.
Debra Flewelling
Open Education & Emerging Technologies Librarian
T 604.527.5190 F 604.527.5193
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From: Brady Yano <brady(a)sparcopen.org<mailto:brady@sparcopen.org>>
Date: Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 11:59 AM
Subject: [LibOER] Are you aware of common OER myths?
To: SPARC Libraries & OER Forum <sparc-liboer(a)arl.org<mailto:sparc-liboer@arl.org>>
Cc: Jeff Gallant <Jeff.Gallant(a)usg.edu<mailto:Jeff.Gallant@usg.edu>>, "Fruin, Christine" <christine.ross(a)ufl.edu<mailto:christine.ross@ufl.edu>>, Rowena McKernan <rmckernan(a)whatcom.edu<mailto:rmckernan@whatcom.edu>>, Nicole Allen <nicole(a)sparcopen.org<mailto:nicole@sparcopen.org>>
Hi all,
Stemming from our May LibOER call, a working group was struck to develop an OER myth busting resource. We have selected faculty at North American, higher education institutions as our primary audience and could use your help to identify what myths are worth debunking. You can access the Google form with a list of proposed myths here<https://docs.google.com/a/sparcopen.org/forms/d/1gF2VhhO4cYwe-jaI8yEehcDZyZ…>.
We look forward to reviewing your feedback!
Brady Yano
Assistant Director of Open Education • SPARC<http://sparcopen.org>
+1 (604) 345-6826<tel:(604)%20345-6826> • brady(a)sparcopen.org<mailto:brady@sparcopen.org>
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To post to this group, send email to sparc-liboer(a)arl.org<mailto:sparc-liboer@arl.org>.
Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/a/arl.org/group/sparc-liboer/.
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From: "OEC Member Services" <memberservices(a)oeconsortium.org>
To: "acoolidge" <acoolidge(a)bccampus.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 3:37:10 AM
Subject: Call for Proposals: The Open Education Global 2018 Conference
Dear Members,
The Open Education Consortium and Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), hosts of the Open Education Global 2018 Conference, invite proposals for conference sessions to take place in Delft, The Netherlands, from 24-26 April 2018 . The Open Education Consortium is a global network of educational institutions, individuals and organizations that support an approach to education based on openness, collaboration, innovation and collective development and use of open educational materials. TU Delft is one of the leading universities in The Netherlands. Founded in 1842, TU Delft is a forward-thinking institution with a global mindset. TU Delft was an early innovator with open practices, and continues to be a leader in open education, open science and open publishing.
The theme of the Open Education Global 2018 Conference is Transforming Education through Open Approaches . Conference tracks include:
* Open Connections
* Open Education Research
* Innovation through opening traditional practices
* Policies & strategies for Open Education
* Institutionalizing Open Education
* Tools & Technologies for Open Education
* Open Educational Practices/Open Pedagogy
* Connecting Open Education to formal education
* Student perspectives
* Submissions Due: 23 October 2017
* Acceptance Announcements: 1 December 2017
For the full Call for Proposals and more information about the Open Education Global Conference, please visit: [ http://conference.oeconsortium.org/2018/call-for-proposals/ | http://conference.oeconsortium.org/2018/call-for-proposals/ ]
We look forward to welcoming many of you in Delft!
Conference Planning Committee
[ http://conference.oeconsortium.org/2018/ | http://conference.oeconsortium.org/2018/ ]
Email: [ mailto:conference@oeconsortium.org | conference(a)oeconsortium.org ]
Amanda Coolidge
Senior Manager, Open Education
BC campus | connect.collaborate.innovate.
120- 645 Fort Street | Victoria BC V8W 1G2
Tel 250-818-4592 | [ http://www.bccampus.ca/ | www.bccampus.ca ]
Skype: coolidge.amanda
Twitter: @acoolidge
Hi Everyone,
A new book has been added to the BC Open Textbook Collection called [ https://open.bccampus.ca/find-open-textbooks/?uuid=408ae05b-5867-4478-ab84-… | Mechanics ] . In addition, three new ancillary resources have been created for this textbook by UBC and are posted by the book. These resources are:
- Instructor Resource: Learning Logs
- Instructor Resource: Learning Evaluation
- Student Resource: Tutorials
Lauri Aesoph Manager, Open Education
BC campus | connect.collaborate.innovate
Mobile 250.893.0258 | Twitter @lauriaesoph | Skype laesoph
Hi there everyone,
As I have mentioned to some of you, BCIT is hosting a Learning and
Teaching Summit on June 14 and 15. The event is free and open to all who
want to attend, so I thought I'd share some information with you.
Attached you will see a poster for the event as well as a copy of the
To register, please call Sally McKinstry @ 604 432-8406
The event is also listed in the BCcampus calendar:
Hope to see some of you at BCIT next week.
*Rosario Passos*
Instructional Designer
Cascadia Interactive Solutions Ltd.
Tel: 604 469 3595
M: 236 888 8599
Skype: portuguese_woman
Call for Proposals Announced
With the support of both the Ministry of Advanced Education and the Hewlett Foundation, BCcampus will distribute the following grants in support of Open Education:
* [ https://open.bccampus.ca/zed-credz-degree-grants/ | Zed Cred/Z-Degree ]
* [ https://open.bccampus.ca/ancillary-materials-development-grant/ | Ancillary Resources ]
* [ https://open.bccampus.ca/open-educational-resource-grant/ | OER Grants ]
New this year
We are excited to announce the newest grant for this year- the Zed Cred/Z-Degree grant. A Zed Cred/Z-Degree is a set of courses in a specific program area that allows a student to earn a credential, such as an associate degree or certificate program, with zero textbook costs by way of using open educational resources and/or free library materials.
Successful Open Educational Resources Zed Cred/Z Degree implementations will empower faculty to lead the work, develop broad-based support across the institution for using open educational resources, and promote the benefits of enrolling in an open educational resources degree programs to students. The process of developing an open educational resources degree will build institutional capacity for designing clearer and more efficient pathways to credentials and better connecting student learning outcomes to curriculum and pedagogy.
BCcampus will distribute two grants (maximum $35,000.00) to BC Institutions committed to the development of a “Zed Cred” (Z Degree) Program. With the funds, Institutions will not only develop pathways to credential by adopting and adapting pre-existing OER, the funds may also be used to create new OER necessary for the program. The Institutions will also be required to package and publish their degree paths such that other Institutions from BC and beyond can borrow from their progress. Any learning materials created under the Zed Cred program will hold a [ https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ | Creative Commons BY license ] and must be fully editable.
As this initiative is new to British Columbia, we welcome any questions you may have about the grant program, the outcomes, and expectations. Please feel free to connect with our Open Education Team at [ mailto:opentext@bccampus.ca | opentext(a)bccampus.ca ]
Ancillary Resources and OER Grants
In addition to the Zed Cred/Z-degree grants, we are distributing two other types of grants (Ancillary Resources and OER Grants). Changes have been made to the grants based on recommendations from last year.
The [ https://open.bccampus.ca/ancillary-materials-development-grant/ | ancillary resources call for proposals ] is to support inter-institutional initiatives to create ancillary support material for existing open textbooks in the [ http://open.bccampus.ca/ | BC Open Textbook Collection ] that could assist faculty in adopting the open textbook. This material can include:
* Testbanks of questions based on an existing open textbook.
* Presentations (PowerPoint, Open Office, Prezi, etc)
* Multimedia content, such as audio or video, that could further enhance the textbook.
* Simulations.
* Instructor and student manuals.
* Additional learning activities.
Ancillary Resource Development Proposals can not exceed $2,500.00 provided by BCcampus. A maximum of four Ancillary Resource Grants will be awarded.
The [ https://open.bccampus.ca/open-educational-resource-grant/ | OER Grants call for proposals ] is for institutions or their representatives (e.g. Articulation Committees, Teaching and Learning Centres, Libraries, OER Working Groups) in British Columbia and Yukon to provide small open educational resource grants, funded by BCcampus and matched by the institution. Open Educational Resource grants may be used for, but are not limited to:
* Adaptation of Open Textbooks/Open Educational Resources
* Creation of Open Textbooks/Open Educational Resources
* Course redesign using Open Textbooks/Open Educational Resources
* Workshops, training, and institutional support for OER infrastructure (e.g. Open Policy, Awareness, How to Adopt, How to Adapt, Pressbooks Support)
OER Grant Proposals can not exceed $10,000.00 provided by BCcampus. A maximum of four OER Grants will be awarded.
Should you have questions about the changes and/or the outcomes, expectations of these grants please fee free to connect with our Open Education Team at [ mailto:opentext@bccampus.ca | opentext(a)bccampus.ca ]
Thank you!
Amanda Coolidge
Amanda Coolidge
Senior Manager, Open Education
BC campus | connect.collaborate.innovate.
120- 645 Fort Street | Victoria BC V8W 1G2
Tel 250-818-4592 | [ http://www.bccampus.ca/ | www.bccampus.ca ]
Skype: coolidge.amanda
Twitter: @acoolidge
Good morning/afternoon all!
It is contest time here at BCcampus!!
Enter the #OTSummit17 contest for your chance to win a printed ‘Made with Creative Commons’ book. Contest closes May 17 at 4pm PST. Good luck! [ http://ow.ly/3byn30bDZHd | Enter here. ]
Amanda Coolidge
Senior Manager, Open Education
BC campus | connect.collaborate.innovate.
120- 645 Fort Street | Victoria BC V8W 1G2
Tel 250-818-4592 | [ http://www.bccampus.ca/ | www.bccampus.ca ]
Skype: coolidge.amanda
Twitter: @acoolidge
Hi Everyone,
Amanda and I attended the Creative Commons Global Summit last week in Toronto. During this event, I had the opportunity to listen to a speaker from the World Bank talk about their open access policy and Open Knowledge Repository ( [ https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/ | https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/ ] ) which houses over 23,000 books, journal articles, working papers, and other resources on economic development around the world. I asked the speaker if she was aware of any post-secondary institutions using this collection; she didn't know.
Are any of you aware of or using these resources?
Lauri Aesoph Manager, Open Education
BC campus | connect.collaborate.innovate
Mobile 250.893.0258 | Twitter @lauriaesoph | Skype laesoph
From: "Una Daly" <unatdaly(a)oeconsortium.org>
To: "cccoer-advisory" <cccoer-advisory(a)googlegroups.com>
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 9:50:43 AM
Subject: [SPARC] Theme of 2017 Open Access Week to be "Open in order to..."
FYI … Open Access Week 2017 Theme announced
Una Daly
Director, Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources
Open Education Consortium
Check out our new website [ http://cccoer.org/ | http://cccoer.org ]
From: Nick Shockey < [ mailto:nick@sparcopen.org | nick(a)sparcopen.org ] >
Date: April 24, 2017 at 11:43:44 EDT
To: [ mailto:sparc-members@sparcopen.org | sparc-members(a)sparcopen.org ]
Subject: [SPARC] Theme of 2017 Open Access Week to be "Open in order to..."
In conjunction with this year’s Open Access Week Advisory Committee, SPARC today announces the theme for this year’s 10th International Open Access Week, to be held October 23-29, will be “Open in order to…”.
This year’s theme is an invitation to answer the question of what concrete benefits can be realized by making scholarly outputs openly available. “Open in order to…” serves as a prompt to move beyond talking about openness in itself and focus on what openness enables—in an individual discipline, at a particular institution, or in a specific context; then to take action to realize these benefits.
Open in order to increase the impact of my scholarship. Open in order to enable more equitable participation in research. Open in order to improve public health. These are just a few examples of how this question can be answered.
Established by SPARC and partners in the student community in 2008, International Open Access Week is an opportunity to take action in making openness the default for research—to raise the visibility of scholarship, accelerate research, and turn breakthroughs into better lives. This year’s Open Access Week will be held from October 23rd through the 29th; however, those celebrating the week are encouraged to schedule local events whenever is most suitable during the year and to utilize themes that are most effective locally.
This year’s theme of “Open in order to…” also recognizes the diverse contexts and communities within which the shift to Open Access is occurring and encourages specific discussion that will be most effective locally. We invite the community to help us translate this prompt into new languages at [ http://bit.ly/translateoaweek | bit.ly/translateoaweek ]
“Effectively communicating the tangible benefits that Open Access provides is essential for open to become the default in both policy and practice,” said Heather Joseph, Executive Director of SPARC. “This year’s theme will help focus discussions during Open Access Week on those benefits of openness that are most compelling locally—whether that’s increasing citation counts, enabling anyone to learn from the latest scholarship, or accelerating the translation of research into economic gains—and encourage action to realize these benefits.
Last year’s “Open in action” theme encouraged all stakeholders to take concrete steps to make their own work more openly available and encourage others to do the same—from posting pre-prints in a repository to pledging to educate colleagues about Open Access. The 2017 theme will help build on that emphasis on action by identifying the end goals Open Access can enable and encouraging individuals and institutions to take steps to achieve those goals.
International Open Access Week is a global, community-driven week of action to open up access to research. The event is celebrated by individuals, institutions and organizations across the world. The official hashtag of Open Access Week is #OAweek. We also invite the community to use the hashtag #OpenInOrderTo to start an online conversation about the benefits of an open system of communicating scholarship.
For more information about International Open Access Week, please visit [ http://www.openaccessweek.org/ | www.openaccessweek.org ] .
SPARC®, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, is a global coalition committed to making Open the default for research and education. SPARC empowers people to solve big problems and make new discoveries though the adoption of policies and practices that advance Open Access, Open Data, and Open Education. Learn more at [ http://sparcopen.org/ | sparcopen.org ] .
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Amanda Coolidge
Senior Manager, Open Education
BC campus | connect.collaborate.innovate.
120- 645 Fort Street | Victoria BC V8W 1G2
Tel 250-818-4592 | [ http://www.bccampus.ca/ | www.bccampus.ca ]
Skype: coolidge.amanda
Twitter: @acoolidge
Hello OER Friends!
Are you looking for an amazing Open Education experience- one that will inform you on open pedagogy, open innovation, open textbooks AND enhance your own open educational practice?
...I'm assuming you are now nodding your head and thinking- YES, what is this experience you speak of?
That experience is the amazing [ https://bccampus.ca/otsummit-2017/ | Open Textbook Summit in Vancouver, B.C. May 24-25, 2017. ]
You can review the schedule here: [ https://bccampus.ca/otsummit-schedule/ | https://bccampus.ca/otsummit-schedule/ ]
...and register here: [ https://www.eply.com/OTSummit2017 | https://www.eply.com/OTSummit2017 ] . Registration deadline is May 17th !
Join us! Any questions - contact Amanda Coolidge ( [ mailto:acoolidge@bccampus.ca | acoolidge(a)bccampus.ca ] )
Kind regards,
Amanda Coolidge and Lauri Aesoph
Lauri Aesoph Manager, Open Education
BC campus | connect.collaborate.innovate
Mobile 250.893.0258 | Twitter @lauriaesoph | Skype laesoph