Hi there,
Some of you might be interested in this webinar:
From: "Una Daly" <unatdaly(a)gmail.com>
To: "cccoer-advisory" <cccoer-advisory(a)googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 6:11:08 AM
Subject: Feb 8 Webinar: OER Authoring Platforms with Odigia and Lumen Learning
Dear CCCOER Community —
Please join us and invite your colleagues to [ https://www.cccoer.org/webinar/feb-8-webinar-oer-authoring-platforms-webina… | our first spring webinar on OER Authoring platforms ] featuring Odigia and Lumen Learning sharing how faculty use the platforms to develop and deliver open courses to their students. You can register using the link below.
Best Regards,
Many colleges are looking to open educational resources and openly licensed course material to reduce costs and expand access for their students. Surveys from faculty who have adopted OER and their students report positive outcomes in teaching and learner engagement in addition to the cost savings. Join CCCOER to hear from two OER Authoring platform providers who work with colleges to develop and deliver open courses that are engaging and help measure how students are learning. Faculty and other users of the platform will also be featured. When: Wed, February 8, at 10am PT/ 1pm ET
Featured Speakers:
Nathan Battle, Academic Success Director, Odigia
OER courses in Odigia transform textbooks into interactive learning experiences while providing additional tools to measure and promote better student engagement. In addition to ready-to-use courses, Odigia empowers subject matter experts to create new courses using existing OER content as a foundation. Alyson Indrunas, Professional Development Director, Lumen Learning
Lumen helps you solve affordability and access problems with well-designed open textbooks and other course materials students and instructors access directly through the LMS. Fully-customizable courses designed using OER in more than 65 subjects are available and which can help you measure student success. Registration Info:
Please register for OER Authoring Platforms on Feb 08, 2017 10:00 AM PST at:
[ https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/9130748457897955587 | https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/9130748457897955587 ]
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Image: [ http://pixabay.com/ | Pixabay.com ] under a Creative Commons Zero (CCO) license.
Rosario Passos
Advisor, Open Education
BC campus | connect.collaborate.innovate.
[ callto:236-888-8599 | 236-888-8599 ] | [ mailto:rosario.passos@bccampus.ca | rosario.passos(a)bccampus.ca ]
200-555 Seymour Street | Vancouver BC V6B 3H6
[ http://www.bccampus.ca/ | bccampus.ca ] | @BCcampus | #BCcampus
Twitter: @PW_Passos | Skype: Portuguese_woman
[ https://open.bccampus.ca/ ]
Good morning everyone,
Here is an interesting read about the academic publishing model and how unsustainable it is. Libraries are struggling, making difficult decisions, and getting the blame, when the blame lies with the publishers and their inequitable model.
[ https://t.co/nXWzYJAL4G | http://bit.ly/2jYrpEs ]
Rosario Passos
Advisor, Open Education
BC campus | connect.collaborate.innovate.
[ callto:236-888-8599 | 236-888-8599 ] | [ mailto:rosario.passos@bccampus.ca | rosario.passos(a)bccampus.ca ]
200-555 Seymour Street | Vancouver BC V6B 3H6
[ http://www.bccampus.ca/ | bccampus.ca ] | @BCcampus | #BCcampus
Twitter: @PW_Passos | Skype: Portuguese_woman
[ https://open.bccampus.ca/ ]
Hi there everyone,
Exciting News! BCcampus is planning a series of monthly webinars starting January 31. The webinar series is called: Open Education Stories from Across BC.
See information about the 1st webinar in the forwarded email below:
Webinar Series: Open Education Stories from Across B.C.
The first webinar will be on January 31 from 10 am- 11 am with Elizabeth Childs
Webinar link:
[ https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?password=M.9716A481E77FC1D4085E27F9A85CF8… | https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?password=M.9716A481E77FC1D4085E27F9A85CF8… ]
Presenter : Elizabeth Childs, Royal Royals University
Webinar Series : Open Education Stories from Across B.C.
Presentation title : Faculty Experiences Adopting Openness as a Core Value
Presentation Description :
This presentation reports on the experiences faculty members designing and developing a Master's degree in Learning and Technology when they adopted openness as a core value and key design principle.
A growing body of evidence suggests that adoption of open educational resources (OER), and especially open textbooks, leads to lower costs for students without having negative impacts on academic outcomes (e.g., Hilton, in press; Wiley, Williams, DeMarte, & Hilton, 2016). While the benefits of open textbooks and OER are compelling, little is known about programs that are designed with openness as a core value. What does it mean to embrace open practices and embody an open philosophy at the program and course level within a Master's program? What are faculty experiences with such an approach? How can the student experience be optimized? In what ways does openness support a diverse student body? What tensions arise and what supports are required to facilitate the transition to an MA degree that not only uses open textbooks but is defined by openness?
The MA program that we will present represents a case study for the open community. In this degree, students contribute meaningfully to digital learning networks and communities in the field. The degree prepares students to work in the creation and evaluation of digital learning environments and apply theoretical and practical knowledge to critically analyze learning innovations and assess their impact on organizations and society. Openness is central to the achievement of this program goal. Openness was adopted as a program value predicated on the philosophical stance that open practices lead to collaboration and the development of a digital mindset that values sharing and cultivates networked learning.
In this case study of an MA program, open practices are evidenced at the course level in the design of the online experience; through the use of "renewable assignments"; authentic assessment opportunities, in resource curation and, through online facilitation approaches. At the program level, it manifests itself in the intentional open spaces that have been designed into the program which require student identification and completion of personalized areas of inquiry. It is also evidenced through the adoption of open pedagogy as a design principle that informs design and delivery decisions at the course and program level
Initial tensions such as coming to a common understanding of openness and what openness can be within the constraints of an institution; how openness supports or detracts from online community; the role of openness in the creation of safe learning environments and, ways to support adjunct faculty for designing for openness will be highlighted in this presentation. This MA program is currently under development so by November additional strategies that have been used to develop a common understanding around openness and open pedagogy at the faculty and institutional level will also be discussed. In addition, various supports that have been used in working with adjunct faculty in course design with openness as a core value will be shared.
Hilton III, J. (in press).
Rosario Passos
Advisor, Open Education
BC campus | connect.collaborate.innovate.
[ callto:236-888-8599 | 236-888-8599 ] | [ mailto:rosario.passos@bccampus.ca | rosario.passos(a)bccampus.ca ]
200-555 Seymour Street | Vancouver BC V6B 3H6
[ http://www.bccampus.ca/ | bccampus.ca ] | @BCcampus | #BCcampus
Twitter: @PW_Passos | Skype: Portuguese_woman
[ https://open.bccampus.ca/ ]
Hello everyone,
Lots happening on the Year of Open - feel free to share among your networks.
Rosario Passos
Advisor, Open Education
BC campus | connect.collaborate.innovate.
[ callto:236-888-8599 | 236-888-8599 ] | [ mailto:rosario.passos@bccampus.ca | rosario.passos(a)bccampus.ca ]
200-555 Seymour Street | Vancouver BC V6B 3H6
[ http://www.bccampus.ca/ | bccampus.ca ] | @BCcampus | #BCcampus
Twitter: @PW_Passos | Skype: Portuguese_woman
[ https://open.bccampus.ca/ ]
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From: Open Education News < [ mailto:newsletter@oeconsortium.org | newsletter(a)oeconsortium.org ] >
Subject: Year of Open Update
Date: January 18, 2017 at 9:16:38 AM PST
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January Issue
Year of Open Update
Interviews, Conversations, and Happenings
As we look forward to celebrating the Year of Open in 2017, we wanted want to pose a few questions: What is Open Education? Why is it important? And, What role do you see it playing in the future? Read the full interviews in the January Perspective.
January Perspective
What is Open?
Conversations with global practitioners about what open education means to them.
[ http://oeconsortium.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a209e9010b861e3abfd5… | Read the Conversations ]
Year of Open Partners
Visit the Year of Open [ http://oeconsortium.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a209e9010b861e3abfd5… | Partner ] page. Want to be an official partner during the Year of Open? Please contact Mary Lou Forward, Executive Director, at [ mailto:mlforward@oeconsortium.org | mlforward(a)oeconsortium.org ] .
of Open Events
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Learn more about the Year of Open
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Open Education Consortium
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Open Education Consortium · 60 Thoreau St. Suite 238 · Concord, MA 01742 · USA
Hi everyone,
Just a friendly reminder that the call for proposals for the 5th Open Textbook Summit , May 24-25, 2017 at SFU Harbour Centre in Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada) closes on January 20 ! I encourage you all to promote this widely across your networks and also, think about teaming up to present a workshop.
You can submit a proposal here:
The submission categories are
* Paper Presentation Sessions (30 minutes)
* Workshop Sessions (60 minutes). Workshop sessions must have a hands-on, practical application component related to one of the Summit topics within the context of Open Textbooks.
The confirmed Keynote Speakers for the 2017 Open Textbook Summit are:
* [ https://creativecommons.org/author/ryan/ | Ryan Merkley ] , CEO Creative Commons
* [ http://commons.bcit.ca/update/2016/01/bcit-welcomes-kory-wilson-as-executiv… | Kory Wilson ] , Executive Director, Aboriginal Initiatives and Partnerships at BCIT
I look forward to seeing some proposals from BC! Lots of proposals coming in from abroad, but we would really like to showcase our own!
Rosario Passos
Advisor, Open Education
BC campus | connect.collaborate.innovate.
[ callto:236-888-8599 | 236-888-8599 ] | [ mailto:rosario.passos@bccampus.ca | rosario.passos(a)bccampus.ca ]
200-555 Seymour Street | Vancouver BC V6B 3H6
[ http://www.bccampus.ca/ | bccampus.ca ] | @BCcampus | #BCcampus
Twitter: @PW_Passos | Skype: Portuguese_woman
[ https://open.bccampus.ca/ ]
Good morning everyone,
I thought some of you might find this piece an interesting read:
Rosario Passos
Advisor, Open Education
BC campus | connect.collaborate.innovate.
[ callto:236-888-8599 | 236-888-8599 ] | [ mailto:rosario.passos@bccampus.ca | rosario.passos(a)bccampus.ca ]
200-555 Seymour Street | Vancouver BC V6B 3H6
[ http://www.bccampus.ca/ | bccampus.ca ] | @BCcampus | #BCcampus
Twitter: @PW_Passos | Skype: Portuguese_woman
[ https://open.bccampus.ca/ ]
Hi everyone,
I thought you might want to share this opportunity across your institutions:
OPPORTUNITY: The Rebus Community is working to build an open and collaborative model for making open textbooks. They are seeking contributors for seven active open textbook projects. [ https://forum.rebus.community/category/5/projects-active-open-textbook-proj… | https://forum.rebus.community/category/5/projects-active-open-textbook-proj… ]
Rosario Passos
Advisor, Open Education
BC campus | connect.collaborate.innovate.
[ callto:236-888-8599 | 236-888-8599 ] | [ mailto:rosario.passos@bccampus.ca | rosario.passos(a)bccampus.ca ]
200-555 Seymour Street | Vancouver BC V6B 3H6
[ http://www.bccampus.ca/ | bccampus.ca ] | @BCcampus | #BCcampus
Twitter: @PW_Passos | Skype: Portuguese_woman
[ https://open.bccampus.ca/ ]