Good afternoon everyone,

I wanted to share this new resource developed at the University of Saskatchewan (see below). It is a lovely example of an open pedagogy project that involves Education students writing essays for a course that have been put together in an openly-licensed collection. This kind of project is among the type of proposals that our OER grant program is able to support:

And of course the platform on which it resides is Pressbooks, which is a core part of our library’s Open Publishing Suite:





From: Canadaoer <> on behalf of "Ross, Heather" <>
Date: Monday, March 25, 2019 at 2:01 PM
To: Canada OER <>, CCCOER Advisory <>
Subject: [Canadaoer] New Open Textbook / Open Pedaogy Project From USask


Good afternoon.


I’m very excited to announce our first open textbook written by students at the University of Saskatchewan. This is also the first open textbook from our College of Education. Please see Sharing Our Knowledge: Best Practices for Supporting English Language Learners in Schools.


Heather M. Ross (B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed.)

Educational Developer (Digital Pedagogies)

Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning


Research Fellow

Open Education Group


Room 50.5, Murray Building

University of Saskatchewan

Tel: 306.966.5327



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