Just a FYI, if you are interested in attending the Festival of Learning 2020, you will need to register now to get the early bird rate – see email below. Please share with interested colleagues.




From: Eventreg
Sent: December 2, 2019 11:55 AM
To: Flewelling, Debra
Subject: Re: Early bird deadline


Dear Debra, 


There is no deadline on the Early Bird rate for the Festival of Learning 2020, but there are limits on the number of Early Birds who can register. 


Early Bird registrant limits:

3-day (40 registrants)

2-day (10 registrants)

1-day (10 registrants)

Thanks for your question. 



BCcampus Event Registration

BCcampus | Learning. Doing. Leading.

Suite 120 – 645 Fort St.
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 1GW

eventreg@bccampus.ca www.bccampus.ca



From: Flewelling, Debra <flewellingd@douglascollege.ca>
Sent: December 2, 2019 7:32 PM
To: Festival <festival@bccampus.ca>
Subject: Early bird deadline




I’m looking for the early bird rate deadline. It is not in the FAQs.





Debra Flewelling

Open Education Librarian

T  604.527.5190  F  604.527.5193



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