BCcampus OpenEd: NEW - Open Education Resource Sustainability Grant for Institutions
by Lauri Aesoph
Dear Colleagues,
BCcampus Open Education has just posted a NEW grant opportunity: the Open Education Sustainability Grant for Institutions<https://open.bccampus.ca/call-for-proposals/open-education-sustainability-g… >.
This call for proposals is for institutional open education working groups in British Columbia to provide small open educational grants, funded by BCcampus and matched by the institution, in order to improve the sustainability of open education. The Open Education Resource Sustainability Grant for Institutions may also be used for, but is not limited to, workshops, training, and institutional support for OER and open education infrastructure. The proposal deadline is August 22nd.
If you have any questions regarding this call, please email opentext(a)bccampus.ca
Lauri Aesoph
Manager, Open Education
[https://bccampus.ca/files/2018/10/dotted-line.jpg ]
Cell: 250-893-0258 • Email: laesoph(a)bccampus.ca<mailto:laesoph@bccampus.ca>
Twitter: @lauriaesoph<https://twitter.com/lauriaesoph > • Skype: lauri.aesoph • LinkedIn: lauri.aesoph<https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauri.aesoph/ >
BCcampus.ca<https://bccampus.ca/ > • @BCcampus<https://twitter.com/BCcampus > • #BCcampus<https://twitter.com/hashtag/BCcampus?src=hash >
I acknowledge that the land on which I work and live is the traditional
territory of the Lkwungen-speaking people.
5 years, 5 months
BCcampus Open Education updates (June 19, 2019)
by Lauri Aesoph
Hello Everyone,
Here are the latest updates from BCcampus Open Education.
New book
[ https://open.bccampus.ca/browse-our-collection/find-open-textbooks/?uuid=d2… | Intermediate Algebra (OpenStax) ]
OpenEd updates
To improve the discoverability of open textbooks in the [ https://open.bccampus.ca/browse-our-collection/find-open-textbooks/ | B.C. Open Textbook Collection ] , we have updated our collection's subject categories to be more comprehensive. This means a number of new categories and subcategories that better reflect the structure and content of the collection. We welcome you to explore the new categories and send us any feedback that you have. And we send a big thank you to the BCOEL who provided us with resources, guidance, and feedback.
Recent updates to the OER by Discipline Directory
* [ https://opentextbc.ca/oerdiscipline/chapter/general-oer-repositories/ | General OER Repositories ]
* [ https://opentextbc.ca/oerdiscipline/chapter/course-collections/ | Course Collections ]
* [ https://opentextbc.ca/oerdiscipline/chapter/business-general/ | Business - General ]
* [ https://opentextbc.ca/oerdiscipline/chapter/economics/ | Economics ]
* [ https://opentextbc.ca/oerdiscipline/chapter/fine-arts-general/ | Fine Arts - General ]
* [ https://opentextbc.ca/oerdiscipline/chapter/french/ | French ]
* [ https://opentextbc.ca/oerdiscipline/chapter/music/ | Music ]
* [ https://opentextbc.ca/oerdiscipline/chapter/statistics/ | Statistics ]
* [ https://opentextbc.ca/oerdiscipline/chapter/theatre/ | Theatre ]
We are looking for Subject Matter Experts (SME) from B.C. or other parts of Canada to review textbooks being considered for the [ https://open.bccampus.ca/find-open-textbooks/ | B.C. Open Textbook Collection. ] Contact bookreviews(a)bccampus.ca if you are interested.
Help us identify the gaps
Contact opentext(a)bccampus.ca if you would like to see open textbooks made available for specific subject areas in the [ https://open.bccampus.ca/find-open-textbooks/ | B.C. Open Textbook Collection ] . In particular, we'd like to hear of topics in these areas: business, early childhood education (ECE), health, STEM (science, technology, engineering, math), and trades.
Best regards,
The BCcampus Open Ed team
Lauri Aesoph
Manager, Open Education
BC campus | Learning.Doing.Leading.
Cell: 250-893-0258 • Email: [ mailto:laesoph@bccampus.ca | laesoph(a)bccampus.ca ]
Twitter: [ https://twitter.com/lauriaesoph | @lauriaesoph ] • Skype: lauri.aesoph • LinkedIn: [ https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauri.aesoph/ | lauri.aesoph ]
[ https://bccampus.ca/ | BCcampus.ca ] • [ https://twitter.com/BCcampus | @BCcampus ] • [ https://twitter.com/hashtag/BCcampus?src=hash | #BCcampus ]
I acknowledge that the land on which I work and live is the traditional territory of the Lkwungen-speaking people.
5 years, 6 months
BCcampus Open Education updates and news (June 5, 2019)
by Lauri Aesoph
Hello Everyone,
Here are the latest updates from BCcampus Open Education.
OpenEd updates
See the new [ https://open.bccampus.ca/projects-and-grants/current-opened-projects/ | Adult Basic Education (ABE) projects ] , funded by BCcampus, currently in progress.
New open research
Earle, S. (2019). What students like and dislike about open textbooks. BCcampus Open Education Research Fellows Report.
* A copy of the research can be found under "Open Textbooks" in the [ https://opentextbc.ca/openedinfo/chapter/canada/ | Canada section of Research and reports ] in the [ https://opentextbc.ca/openedinfo/ | Information Directory ] . For more information see the March 12, 2019 BCcampus blog: [ https://bccampus.ca/2019/03/12/what-students-like-and-dislike-about-open-ed… | What students like (and dislike) about open educational resources ] .
Updated support resources
* The OER by Discipline Guide has been renamed [ https://opentextbc.ca/oerdiscipline/ | OER by Discipline Directory ] to better reflect its purpose as a reference tool.
* The [ https://opentextbc.ca/accessibilitytoolkit/ | Accessibility Toolkit - 2nd Edition ] now includes recordings and PowerPoint slides from the [ https://opentextbc.ca/accessibilitytoolkit/back-matter/inclusive-design-web… | Inclusive Design Webinar Series in Appendix C ] .
The following new categories have been added to the [ https://opentextbc.ca/openedinfo/ | Information Directory ] :
* Inclusive Access (IA)
* Reading: Print vs. Screens
Recent updates to the OER by Discipline Directory
* [ https://opentextbc.ca/oerdiscipline/chapter/general-oer-repositories/ | General OER Repositories ]
* [ https://opentextbc.ca/oerdiscipline/chapter/astronomy/ | Astronomy ]
* [ https://opentextbc.ca/oerdiscipline/chapter/earth-and-ocean-sciences-genera… | Earth and Ocean Sciences - General ]
* [ https://opentextbc.ca/oerdiscipline/chapter/english/ | English and Writing ]
* [ https://opentextbc.ca/oerdiscipline/chapter/materials/ | Materials ]
* [ https://opentextbc.ca/oerdiscipline/chapter/philosophy/ | Philosophy ]
* [ https://opentextbc.ca/oerdiscipline/chapter/physics/ | Physics ]
We are looking for Subject Matter Experts (SME) from B.C. or other parts of Canada to review textbooks being considered for the [ https://open.bccampus.ca/find-open-textbooks/ | B.C. Open Textbook Collection ] Contact bookreviews(a)bccampus.ca if you are interested.
Help us identify the gaps
Contact opentext(a)bccampus.ca if you would like to see open textbooks made available for specific subject areas in the [ https://open.bccampus.ca/find-open-textbooks/ | B.C. Open Textbook Collection ] . In particular, we'd like to hear of topics in these areas: business, early childhood education (ECE), health, STEM (science, technology, engineering, math), and trades.
Best regards,
The BCcampus Open Ed team
Lauri Aesoph
Manager, Open Education
BC campus | Learning.Doing.Leading.
Cell: [ tel:250-580-6949 | 250-893-0258 ] • Email: [ mailto:laesoph@bccampus.ca | laesoph(a)bccampus.ca ]
Twitter: [ https://twitter.com/lauriaesoph | @lauriaesoph ] • Skype: lauri.aesoph • LinkedIn: [ https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauri.aesoph/ | lauri.aesoph ]
[ https://bccampus.ca/ | BCcampus.ca ] • [ https://twitter.com/BCcampus | @BCcampus ] • [ https://twitter.com/hashtag/BCcampus?src=hash | #BCcampus ]
I acknowledge that the land on which I work and live is the traditional territory of the Lkwungen-speaking people.
5 years, 6 months