Hello Everyone,
We hope that your summer is going well and that everyone is finding time for a well deserved break. Please see below for new open textbooks, on a wide variety of topics, that have been added to our collection, as well as, a couple of ancillary resources you'll want to take note of.
New books
[ https://open.bccampus.ca/find-open-textbooks/?uuid=65e04e20-5b93-464a-b0aa-… | Provisional Prosthodontics series, 2nd Edition ] by Fern Hubbard, Margaret Dennett, and Catherine Baranow
* This series is comprised of five resources: Provisional Prosthodontic Theory Manual, Provisional Prosthodontic Clinical Manual, a study guide, instructor's guide, and a manual of practice exercises and case studies. This course is available to programs accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada. These course materials are written for practising certified dental assistants. It has been released with a CC BY licence by the Province of British Columbia.
[ https://open.bccampus.ca/find-open-textbooks/?uuid=69876ca5-2f20-43f1-8ed6-… | Global Corruption: Law, Theory & Practice ]
by Gerry Ferguson (University of Victoria)
* Created as part of the UNODC’s Anti-Corruption Academic Initiative (ACAD), this textbook is a key resource for lawyers, public officials, and business persons of tomorrow on anti-corruption laws and strategies. This book has been specifically created to make it easier for professors to offer a law school course on global corruption whether in Canada, the U.S., the U.K., or elsewhere in the world.
[ https://open.bccampus.ca/find-open-textbooks/?uuid=8c5bd1a4-6687-4146-8a11-… | Analyzing Meaning: An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics ]
by Paul Kroeger (Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics)
* This book provides an introduction to the study of meaning in human language, from a linguistic perspective. It covers a fairly broad range of topics, including lexical semantics, compositional semantics, and pragmatics. It is written at a level which should be appropriate for advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate students. It presupposes some previous coursework in linguistics, but does not presuppose any background in formal logic or set theory.
[ https://open.bccampus.ca/find-open-textbooks/?uuid=e1c00bd0-99f2-4842-aa80-… | World History: Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500 ]
by Eugene Berger, George L. Israel, Charlotte Miller, Brian Parkinson, Andrew Reeves, Nadejda Williams (University System of Georgia)
* This textbook offers a comprehensive introduction to the history of humankind from prehistory to 1500 and covers such cultures, states, and societies as Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Israel, Dynastic Egypt, India’s Classical Age, the Dynasties of China, Archaic Greece, the Roman Empire, Islam, Medieval Africa, the Americas, and the Khanates of Central Asia.
[ https://open.bccampus.ca/find-open-textbooks/?uuid=24d4160c-c8b2-4f3b-9d5c-… | An Introduction to Philosophy ] by W. Russ Payne (Bellevue College)
* The goal of this text is to present philosophy to newcomers as a living discipline with historical roots.
Ancillary resources
* [ https://open.bccampus.ca/find-open-textbooks/?uuid=aa7e4991-20af-489b-8fb1-… | Astronomy: OpenStax ] : [ https://urls.bccampus.ca/6e9 | Digital diagrams ] by Jennifer Kirkey (Douglas College)
* The [ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRm79BcxKhOWRj6CQAB_Cqg | Electric Academy videos ] by Chad Flinn (BCIT)
Best regards,
The BCcampus Open Education team
Lauri Aesoph, Manager, Open Education
BC campus | connect.collaborate.innovat e .
250-893-0258 | laesoph(a)bccampus.ca | Skype lauri.aesoph
120-645 Fort Street | Coast & Straits Salish Territory | Victoria, BC | V8W1G2
[ https://mail.bccampus.ca/zimbra/bccampus.ca | BCcampus.ca ] | @BCcampus | #BCcampus
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