Hello Fellow Open Educators!


The latest call for open education grant proposals is open until October 17. Here’s some info:


OER Development Grants (up to $5,000) – OPEN

Develop openly licensed learning materials:

·        make substantial revisions to existing OER (open educational resources) to better suit class subject matter and learning outcomes

·        create an openly licensed learning resource in any category or format (eg. textbook, videos, manual, question or test bank)


Open Education Course Transformation Micro-Grants ($500) – OPEN

Transform a current or new course to include one or both of the following:

·        ZTC (zero textbook costs): replace learning materials currently used in the course that students pay for (eg. textbooks, lab manuals, readings) with materials that are free for students (eg. OER, freely available information such as government documents, and/or BCIT Library materials)

·        OEP (open education practices/pedagogy): incorporate substantive OEP into the course.


A short student survey and final report is required.

Grant funds are distributed as flexible learning (part-time studies) contracts so are subject to tax and benefits deductions.

Support from the Library and the Learning and Teaching Centre is available:

·        to consult with a Librarian to help with a search for OER and other free-to-use learning materials

·        to consult with an Instructional Development Consultant to help determine appropriate open practices that match the subject matter and learning outcomes of the course



Please consider applying and share this information widely across your BCIT networks: https://www.bcit.ca/open/grants/