Hi there fellow Open Educators,


It is with great excitement that I share the news that Chad Flinn is BCIT's inaugural Open Education Faculty Champion! The BCIT Open Education Group is thrilled to be working with Chad to advance Open Education at BCIT through awareness and advocacy. If you already knew this, you might have seen the formal announcement in the Loop!


Chad is a provincial leader in Open Education, who walks the talk by integrating Open Pedagogy into his teaching in the classroom. You can see a video of the work he has been doing here:




Also, in June 2019 he was awarded BCcampus’ Award for Excellence in Open Education.


So, please join me in congratulating Chad and welcoming him to the Open Education Group at BCIT!








Rosario Passos

Instructional Development Consultant (IDC)

Learning and Teaching Centre

British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, BC V5G 3H2

Tel: (604) 456 1266    rosario_passos@bcit.ca             www.bcit.ca/ltc


Education for a Complex World


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