Hello fellow Open Education practitioners!


Some good news in this article about OER:

“According to the Hewlett Foundation, … sixteen peer-reviewed studies clearly show students perform as well or better when using OER versus traditional textbooks. The studies also show both faculty and students perceive OER to be as good or better quality than traditional methods where the content and structure is determined by the publisher and their authors.”




The article also speaks to the progression of quality in OER over the years:

“According to the Hewlett Foundation, which has invested in OER since 2012, sixteen peer-reviewed studies clearly show students perform as well or better when using OER versus traditional textbooks. The studies also show both faculty and students perceive OER to be as good or better quality than traditional methods where the content and structure is determined by the publisher and their authors.”


Unfortunately, the article also highlight the results of a 2014 survey:

“According to a survey by Babson (2014), most faculty and instructors have never heard of OER – it’s a “new thing” about which they know very little.”


This means that our advocacy and awareness generation still has a long way to go. I am thankful that BCIT supports Open Education and has been making huge strides in generating awareness among faculty, students and administration.


It’s a good read… and if you have time, read the full report, listed as an attachment at the end of the article.







image002   Rosario Passos,

Instructional Development Consultant

Learning and Teaching Centre, BCIT


3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, BC  V5G 3H2

Tel: (604) 456 1266   


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