Hi there fellow Open Educators,

This new study published by researchers Nicholas Colvard of the University of Georgia and Eddie Watson of the Association of American Colleges and Universities in the International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education is a large-scale study looking at the impact of OER adoption on student success measures at the University of Georgia. The study is significant because it looks specifically at the impact on historically underserved populations of students, addressing part-time status and ethnic origin among other variables.

This study illustrates the reason why Open is important beyond affordability. The movement for OER is not just about reducing costs, it's about helping to make higher education more equitable and effective for all students. 

 Here is the abstract for your review:

 The Impact of Open Educational Resources on Various Student Success Metrics 

There are multiple indicators which suggest that completion, quality, and affordability are the three greatest challenges for higher education today in terms of students, student learning, and student success. Many colleges, universities, and state systems are seeking to adopt a portfolio of solutions that address these challenges. This article reports the results of a large-scale study (21,822 students) regarding the impact of course-level faculty adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER). Results indicate that OER adoption does much more than simply save students money and address student debt concerns. OER improve end-of-course grades and decrease DFW (D, F, and Withdrawal letter grades) rates for all students. They also improve course grades at greater rates and decrease DFW rates at greater rates for Pell recipient students, part-time students, and populations historically underserved by higher education. OER address affordability, completion, attainment gap concerns, and learning. These findings contribute to a broadening perception of the value of OERs and their relevance to the great challenges facing higher education today.




image002   Rosario Passos,

Instructional Development Consultant

Learning and Teaching Centre, BCIT


3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, BC  V5G 3H2

Tel: (604) 456 1266   


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