Hi there fellow Open Educators,


If any of you is interested in collaborating with Krista from U of Alberta on an event for Open Education Week 2022, get in touch with her:



Hello Everyone! 


I'm starting to plan a schedule of events for the University of Alberta's Open Education Symposium. It will be a series of events throughout Open Education Week (Mar 7-11, 2022). 


I'm looking to do some collaborative sessions with other institutions. The University of Alberta would handle the registration, Zoom hosting, facilitation support, and edit/post the recording. I would ask that we do a joint-introduction to the session and you are welcome to put the registration and zoom on your institution's website, if you wish, to promote as a partnership with UofA rather than sending them to the UofA website. 


So far, we have a series of lunch-hour lightning talks (3-4 presenters in a 1hr session) being planned with University of Alberta, University of Calgary, and Thompson Rivers University. A growing list of topics we would like to deliver include: 

  • Evaluating the quality of open pedagogies 
  • OER speed-dating! 
  • Open EdTech - tools review 
    • open and participatory technologies 
    • Pressbooks, H5P, and using them in class 
  • "Do open pedagogies have to be either open or closed? What is in the middle?" 
  • ZTC - common barriers when implementing (course-level)
  • Universal design, OER, and course design 
  • Demo: How to change your course to incorporate OER 

If you're interested in collaborating, I would love to hear from you!  




Krysta McNutt, PMP (she/her)

Open Education Lead, Centre for Teaching and Learning

University of Alberta, ᐊᒥᐢᑿᒌᐚᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ (Amiskwacîwâskahikan), Treaty 6/Métis Homelands