Hi there fellow open educators,


And here is an update on new open textbooks available from College Open Textbooks. May be interesting to browse the site to see if there’s anything you might find useful,





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An Update on the New College Open Textbooks



Since our re-launch in April, we've been adding content and kicked off an exciting new project.  Take a few moments and share our progress below.





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Textbook Listings

Since April, we've added over 50 open textbooks to our listings. They include the complete catalog from the University of Georgia's Galileo repository and seven new 2nd editions from OpenStax. These new titles bring our total listings to over 750 open textbooks. 



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Peer Reviews

Peer reviews are more prominent on our new site, and this has led to an increase in the number of educators who are offering to join our distinguished panel of peer reviewers.  We've added eight new reviews since April, with more in the pipeline.



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Success Stories

Success stories are a new initiative, and we're off to a great start.  Our Youtube channel now has seven video stories from adopters, creators, and even a student testimonial.  We hope that you will view these inspiring stories and pass them along to colleagues who may be considering creating or adopting OER for their classes. Subscribe to the channel and you'll be notified as soon as new stories are posted.





We're Building an Open Textbook Search Engine


Much has changed in the OER universe since we first created College Open Textbooks.  Ten years ago, most open textbooks were self-published and scattered widely across the web.  Today we're seeing a steady increase in the number of curated repositories.


College Open Textbooks has a small team of volunteer web developers working on an application to mine those repositories.  Our prototype currently searches the repositories of five organizations who have partnered with us (BC Campus, UGA's Galileo, Orange Grove, OpenStax, and SUNY), as well as College Open Textbooks' own listings.


We're excited to announce that Charles Key, the Search Engine program manager, will present our progress in two weeks at the upcoming Open Education Conference. If you're at the conference, we invite you to attend our round table presentation on Thursday, October 11 at 9:45 AM. 





If you value the work we do, please consider donating some money to help us cover our operating costs.  We're an all-volunteer 501(C)(3) organization, and anything you give will go directly to helping us make education more affordable and accessible for all learners. To help, visit the Give page at College Open Textbooks.