Hi there fellow Open Educators,


This article from the Hewlett Foundation came out right after Open Education week:


Exploring the Future of OER


I think it is worth a reading: it talks about scale and numbers from a historic perspective and it begins to open the door for conversations about how the focus is changing towards  open pedagogy and giving both faculty and students agency in the teaching and learning transactions:


“While scale and access have been the focus of OER’s initial growth, we see considerable interest and opportunities for OER to enhance student and teacher agency. We are at a point in time when we can begin to more deeply explore questions about how open education can engage learners who come to school with different experiences, needs, and interests.“


These posts are a series of post that the HF is making to engage the community in deeper thinking and exploreing the future of open resources in education. So, if you have any strong opinions, feel free to participate!








Rosario Passos

Instructional Development Consultant (IDC)

Learning and Teaching Centre

British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, BC V5G 3H2

Tel: (604) 456 1266    rosario_passos@bcit.ca             www.bcit.ca/ltc


Education for a Complex World


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