Hello Fellow Open Educators,


Open Education Week is upon us! Starting this Monday the world celebrates its  achievements in Open Education. This year, this international event takes place March 6 to 10. There are lots of events happening during that week and I hope you can take some time to attend some, either virtually or in person.  Check out BCcampus calendar of events for information on what will be happening around town that week.


If you can carve out the time in your schedule, the Open Education Talks 2023, organized by the University of Calgary, Thompson Rivers University, Concordia University of Edmonton, the University of Alberta, and the University of British Columbia, Vancouver are worth attending,. Be sure to register here:  registration link.


These lightning talks are offered every Wednesday in March from 12:00 -1:30 pm MST. By registering once, you will receive access to all sessions. Open Education Talks is a series of lightning talks focusing on open education in postsecondary institutions. This year we’ll be covering topics related to: 


·        Institutional Pathways and Open Scholarship

·        Using Open Education in Student and Academic Development 

·        Using Open Educational Resources for Interactive Learning

·        Creating Open Educational Resources

·        Partnerships for Open Education


Hope to see some of you there!

