Hi there fellow open educators!


This is really short notice, but some of you might be interested in this event:


From: Tim Hawk <tim.hawk@hypothes.is>
Sent: March 18, 2021 1:08 PM
To: Rosario Passos <Rosario_Passos@bcit.ca>
Subject: Liquid Margins Show with Trent U and eCampusOntario


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Hello Rosario,

I realize this is a short notice, but want to share that educators from Trent University and eCampusOntario will be our Hypothes.is "Liquid Margins" tomorrow! 


And, you are invited to this free show as we will be discussing how they've been making student reading active, visible, and social using collaborative annotation. The show starts at 12 Noon EST/9AM PST. 


If you are interested here is a link to RSVP.   Please share with your colleagues! 

Also, here is a quick background, Hypothes.is is a tool for social annotation that's easy to add to any learning management system.

· Teachers can enable social annotation on specific readings

· Students do not need to install anything, or sign up for or log in to separate accounts

· Teachers can grade annotations with gradebook integration

Please join the show and learn more.  
Kind regards, 




Tim Hawk

Senior Director

