Hello fellow Open Educators!


This BCcampus call for proposals is just out:




Some information from the call: (proposals are due November 15!)



This call for proposals is for OER development funded by BCcampus in order to increase and improve the application, awareness, and sustainability of open education in trades training. The Open Education Trades Grant for Term 2019 may also be used for, but is not limited to, the development of open textbooks, instructor resources, media, open test banks, or ancillary resources. For this term (November 2019 to January 2020), the following grants will be offered:

Application Process

The application form should be completed and emailed to Tim Carson at tcarson@bccampus.ca.
While the application form asks for all basic information, those wishing to submit more detail may attach appendices as required. The evaluation committee looks for proposals that are well written and specifically address the guidelines. Designate a lead representative for the project and submit the proposal through the lead.

Note: Please note there is an institutional signoff section in the application for individuals.

Criteria for Successful Proposals

Successful proposals will meet the following mandatory criteria:

So, put your heads together and apply!









Rosario Passos

Instructional Development Consultant (IDC)

Learning and Teaching Centre

British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, BC V5G 3H2

Tel: (604) 456 1266    rosario_passos@bcit.ca             www.bcit.ca/ltc


Education for a Complex World


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