Hi everyone,


The August volume of IRRODL includes this great article about research done with students about their perceptions of the OpenStax textbooks. Really interesting read:

Student and Faculty Perceptions of OpenStax in High Enrollment Courses


I particularly enjoyed reading about Faculty’s experiences:


“The faculty participants used the new text as an opportunity to rethink how they organized the content for their students.”




“Faculty found the flexibility of the OpenStax textbook very useful. Their ability to link directly to content they planned to use and to add additional content using the learning management system contributed to their overall level of satisfaction with the content and associated tools.”


As much as I am a proponent of Open Textbooks, I am not a solid proponent of the textbook (in the format that has been in place over the last few decades) to be a driver of open educational practice. So seeing that faculty is using the open textbook to adapt their teaching practice makes me have hope!





 image002   Rosario Passos,

Instructional Development Consultant

Learning and Teaching Centre, BCIT


3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, BC  V5G 3H2

Tel: (604) 456 1266   


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