Dear colleagues,
The following is a message from Alan Levine, reaching out on behalf of OE Global.
What's an adventure without a dash of the unknown?
My hope for our Open Pedagogy Summer
Adventure<> was to flip
the usual webinar style approach to what works beautifully here by email where people ask,
answer, share when they can. All of the Summer Adventure series is freely available to
read in OEG Connect, and to respond there use this special link
<> for the quick route to make an
Your interest we heard for learning about interactivity, specifically H5P, is in my
corner, and Liz Yata will be sharing soon details on our webinar session next week. The
activities I will
review<>, are
and will be available for anyone to use at any time. Here is the H5P Adventure. Each leads
to an activity and a place to share what you discover or ask questions.
* 0. The Interactivity Strand in the Summer Adventure: What Kind of H5P Do You
- a poll and discussion to share what you know or want to know about H5P
* 1. Before Grabbing the
Tools<… -
Find where and how to find examples of H5P interactivity to seed ideas what is possible
* 2. Where to Make
H5P?<> - Determine
where you can get access to an H5P creation space
* 3. Start From Scratch or
Remix?<… A
value of H5P content is that it is truly reusable. If you are new to H5P it might be
easier to learn the tools by modifying existing content.
* 4. Pick Up a First Tool and
Go<… -
since there are 49 different content type tools, which ones are good start? We have
More will be added, perhaps for the more complex tools like Branching Scenarios, but
rather than us decided in advance we will base on your feedback. And I am sure there is
some strong expertise here with H5P (more than mine) so we welcome people who know their
way around H5P.
There's more in the mix than H5P. Christina Riehman-Murphy and Bryan McGeary have
provided a stand alone version of their OER Roadmap
workshop<> (and are standing by to
respond to questions). There has been good Q&A in a copyright
the typical CCCOER abundance of resource
and participants have shared as
progress on their own summer open pedagogy projects.
We hope to see you join the adventure when you
Sent on behalf of Alan Levine
Arianna Cheveldave [Hear my name]<>
Coordinator, Open Education, BCcampus
Email:<> • LinkedIn:
ariannacheveldave<> • Pronouns:
I acknowledge that the land I live, work, and play on is the unceded territory of the
səl̓ilwətaɁɬ təməxʷ (Tsleil-Waututh), Skwxwú7mesh-ulh Temíx̱w (Squamish), and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm
(Musqueam) peoples. I thank them for their hospitality.