We recently learned that some of you were blocked from listening to yesterday's webinar. It wasn't until near the end of the session that we discovered a default participant limit had been set in our BlueJeans account. This has since been increased to 100
Fortunately, the session was recorded. Here is the link to the webinar: https://bluejeans.com/s/dW8Sj
Lauri Aesoph
Manager, Open Education |
Cell: 250-893-0258 • Email: laesoph@bccampus.ca
Twitter: @lauriaesoph •
Skype: lauri.aesoph • LinkedIn: lauri.aesoph |
I acknowledge that the land on which I work and live is the traditional
territory of the Lkwungen-speaking people.
Hello Everyone,
You and your colleagues are invited to this Thursday's 10 to 11 am webinar on:
Funding of $3.26 million for OER, including more open textbooks, was announced by Melanie Mark, Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and Training at the Cascadia Open Education Summit in April 2019.
BCcampus will be using this funding with the goal of meeting the needs of instructors and making it as easy and attractive as possible to use OER in classrooms — through better OER and OER-related support services and online infrastructure for a broad range of educational programs.
Join BCcampus’ Associate Director of Open Education, Amanda Coolidge, as she outlines the details of the funding allocation for the $3 million and what BC can expect to see in the next 1, 2, and 3 years. Webinar details can be found here.
Lauri Aesoph
Manager, Open Education |
Cell: 250-893-0258 • Email: laesoph@bccampus.ca
Twitter: @lauriaesoph •
Skype: lauri.aesoph • LinkedIn: lauri.aesoph |
I acknowledge that the land on which I work and live is the traditional
territory of the Lkwungen-speaking people.