During the past couple of months, we've made great progress toward providing Canada's post-secondary institutions and students with hardcover copies of OpenStax open textbooks at good prices. (See our October 18 blog: Hard-back OpenStax books come to Canada.)

Canadian textbook distributor, Vretta, is now taking orders for many of the OpenStax books hosted in the BC Open Textbook Collection. Their order page lists: a pricelist, refund policy, and bulk order discount for organizations and individuals who order 10 or more books.

Buyers may also purchase these books through Amazon.ca. Look for Vretta as the distributor.

Please feel free to share this information with your community.

On behalf of the OpenEd team

Lauri Aesoph

Manager, Open Education, BCcampus

Twitter: @lauriaesoph    Skype: lauri.aesoph    LinkedIn: lauriaesoph

Learning. Doing. Leading.

BCcampus.ca    @BCcampus    #BCcampus

For thousands of years the səl̓ilwətaɁɬ təməxʷ (Tsleil-Waututh), Skwxwú7mesh-ulh Temíx̱w (Squamish), W̱SÁNEĆ, and the Songhees Nation of the Lək̓ʷəŋən (Lekwungen) Peoples have walked gently on the unceded territories where we now live, work, and play. We are committed to building relationships with the first peoples here, one based in honour and respect, and we thank them for their hospitality.

From: Lauri Aesoph <lauri.aesoph@bccampus.ca>
Sent: September 10, 2019 9:41 AM
To: canadaoer@mail.bccampus.ca <canadaoer@mail.bccampus.ca>
Subject: Canadian distribution of hard back OpenStax textbooks - questions and feedback
Dear Canadian Colleagues,

OpenStax has identified a company in Canada, Vretta, that has agreed to distribute hard  back copies of its open textbooks. This is the result of a discussion between OpenStax and BCcampus two years ago. Many Canadian instructors like/prefer these hardcopy versions vs. print-on-demand (PoD) books because of their layout and for their more durable hard cover. (Many PoD copies are soft cover.) Also, the cost of the pre-printed, full colour books are about 50% less than the colour PoD in the BC  Collection.

I am currently working to establish a plan and process for providing this opportunity to students, faculties and bookstores at BC's post-secondary institutions (including how this might work for OpenStax books in the BC Open Textbook Collection), as well as Canada's other colleges, institutes and universities. No formal announcement has been made to the BC or Canadian post-secondary sector, though OpenStax participated in a couple of press releases in July:
You will also find a link on the OpenStax page here: https://openstax.org/bookstore-suppliers

I will be meeting with Vretta, again, Thursday morning. If possible, please send me answers to one or all of the below items by late Wednesday (tomorrow)/early Thursday (before 9:30am).
  • Is there interest at your institution or project in these books? Include specific titles and number of potential buyers if available.
  • Would your bookstore would be interested in ordering these books for sale to students? (Bookstores will be offered a discount on orders.)
  • Would your institution and/or bookstore be interested in providing a link to the order form on its website?
  • How many lead up time does your institution/faculty need to order textbooks for a term?
  • Other questions, comments, feedback.
If you are unable to respond in time for my meeting, feel free to send your comments later.

Thanks and regards,

Lauri Aesoph

Manager, Open Education

Cell: 250-893-0258    Email: laesoph@bccampus.ca

Twitter: @lauriaesoph    Skype: lauri.aesoph    LinkedIn: lauri.aesoph

BCcampus.ca    @BCcampus    #BCcampus

I acknowledge that the land on which I work and live is the traditional
territory of the Lkwungen-speaking people.