Keycontacts August 2019
  • 2 participants
  • 7 discussions

Events for Open Access week (October 21-27) 2019
by Lauri Aesoph
5 years, 6 months

POSTPONED: Upgrade for
by BCcampus IT Support
5 years, 6 months

Upgrade and Outage Notice for on Wednesday morning, August 28, 2019
by BCcampus IT Support
5 years, 6 months

BCcampus Open Education: Updates and news (August 15, 2019)
by Lauri Aesoph
5 years, 6 months

BCcampus: Seeking OpenEd Advisor Regional Reps for Interior and Northern BC
by Lauri Aesoph
5 years, 6 months

BCcampus: FAQs now posted for OE Sustainability Grant; recording for OER funding webinar, $3 million, now what?
by Lauri Aesoph
5 years, 7 months

BCcampus Open Education: News and updates (August 7, 2019)
by Lauri Aesoph
5 years, 7 months
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