Bccampus just released the adoption finder – this allows people to see which open textbooks faculty around the province are using in their courses - it might be useful.
Here is the announcement which includes a link to the Adoption Finder:
From: Bcopen <bcopen-bounces@lists.bccampus.ca> On Behalf Of
Inba Kehoe
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2022 11:18 AM
To: 'Gerrity, Scott' <SGerrity@cotr.bc.ca>; 'bcopen@lists.bccampus.ca' <bcopen@lists.bccampus.ca>
Cc: 'Wiens, Daniel' <DWiens@cotr.bc.ca>; 'Mathenia, Brenda' <BMathenia@cotr.bc.ca>; 'Longstreet, Shaun' <SLongstreet@cotr.bc.ca>; 'Christopher Hillary' <chillary@selkirk.ca>; 'Kristen Bird' <kbird@selkirk.ca>
Subject: Re: [Bcopen] OER Nursing Bioethics Textbook
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Hi Scott,
UVic faculty, in collaboration with some UBC nursing faculty, are working on an open textbook called
a Moral Horizon: Nursing Ethics for Leadership and Practice. The previous edition of this textbook was published by Pearson and the authors/editors have managed to get their copyright back and are working on an open version instead. They hope to have
a draft available for a summer course for testing.
The full published version should be available in the fall.
Editors are: Janet Storch, Patricia Rodney, Rosalie Starzomski.
Hope this helps.
From: Bcopen <bcopen-bounces@lists.bccampus.ca>
On Behalf Of Gerrity, Scott
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2022 11:09 AM
To: bcopen@lists.bccampus.ca
Cc: Mathenia, Brenda <BMathenia@cotr.bc.ca>; Longstreet, Shaun <SLongstreet@cotr.bc.ca>; Christopher Hillary <chillary@selkirk.ca>;
Kristen Bird <kbird@selkirk.ca>; Wiens, Daniel <DWiens@cotr.bc.ca>
Subject: [Bcopen] OER Nursing Bioethics Textbook
Hello all,
Just putting out a feeler in case any of you can point one of our Nursing faculty, Daniel Wiens, to an OER nursing bioethics textbook or materials … or where maybe to look. He’s indicated he’s reviewed the BCcampus open
ed repository already, with no luck. I’m copying him here so he can receive your suggestions directly. Anything you can point our way would be welcome.
Regards, Scott
Scott Gerrity, Ph.D.
Instructional Specialist
College of the Rockies
250-489-2751 x3289