Dear colleagues,

This message is sent on behalf of Leva Lee and Britt Dzioba of BCcampus.


This call for open content closes on December 8, 2022.


In partnership with the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training (AEST) and the Digital Learning Advisory Committee—a group of people with deep and broad expertise and experience across the sector—BCcampus is pleased to be leading the development of a collection of open materials to support digital literacy in B.C. post-secondary institutions.


This collection will include high-quality, openly licensed courses and resources to support the development of digital literacy knowledge, skills, and abilities.


We are currently seeking content submissions for the collection that fulfill the requirements of the eight areas of digital literacy thematic competencies identified in AEST’s Digital Learning Strategy: ethical and legal consideration, technology supports, information literacy, digital scholarship, communication and collaboration, creation and curation, digital well-being, and community-based learning.


Do you have digital literacy content that will help people accomplish any of the following?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, we would love to hear from you!

Content may be in the form of textbooks, courses or course materials, websites, videos, infographics, podcasts, book chapters, journal articles, tools, or tutorials.


Submissions must be openly licensed or be content an institution is willing to openly license and make shareable in the collection. Submissions will be reviewed by a group of evaluators from our sector prior to inclusion in the collection.


If you have a question or would like to find out more, please visit Digital Literacy Project: Call for Open Content or contact Leva Lee at or Britt Dzioba at