Dear BC Open Education Working Groups,

As you may have noticed, we extended the upcoming Open Education call for proposals to April 27, 2018. We would love for you to spread the word at your institution for faculty, staff, or students interested in applying for an open education grant via BCcampus.

The following grants are offered:

Open Educational Resource Grant: Curate, Customize, Create

This call for proposals is for institutions or their representatives (e.g., articulation committees, teaching and learning centres, libraries, and OER working groups) in British Columbia and the Yukon to provide small open educational resource grants, funded by BCcampus and matched by the institution, in order to build Canadian OER. The Open Educational Resource Grants for Curation, Customization, or Creation may be used for, but are not limited to:

Submit a proposal

Open Educational Resource Grant: Sustainability

This call for proposals is for institutions or their representatives (e.g., articulation committees, teaching and learning centres, libraries, and OER working groups) in British Columbia and the Yukon to provide small open educational resource grants, funded by BCcampus and matched by the institution, in order to improve the sustainability of OER. The Open Educational Resource Grants for Sustainability may be used for, but are not limited to:

Submit a proposal

Ancillary Resource Grant

This call for proposals is for institutions or their representatives (e.g., articulation committees, teaching and learning centres, libraries, and OER working groups) in British Columbia and the Yukon to develop ancillary materials for existing open textbooks in the B.C. Open Textbook Collection that assist faculty with adopting the aligned open textbook and improve the sustainability of OER. These materials can include:

Submit a proposal

Should you or your colleagues have any questions please reach out to us at .

Thank you
Amanda Coolidge

Amanda Coolidge, MEd

Senior Manager of Open Education
BCcampus | connect.collaborate.innovate.
120-645 Fort Street | Coast and Straits Salish Territory | Victoria, B.C. | V8W1G2 | @BCcampus | #BCcampus

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