Hello Everyone,
Here is a draft meeting agenda for Jan. 14. Please send any changes/additions you would
like to make.
Brenda is away this week and I am away after tomorrow (Tuesday).
Please confirm your attendance and let me know if you have any special dietary needs. Last
day for submitting the catering order is Jan. 7 (which is the day I get back from
vacation). BCcampus has generously agreed to cater our meeting - thanks Amanda!
DRAFT BCOEL Meeting Agenda
Monday, Jan. 14, 2019
Room 551, BCIT Downtown Campus, 555 Seymour Street, Vancouver
8:30-9:00: coffee
9-10: strategic planning - priorities for the next 1-3 years
10-10:45: working groups - action plans for the next 1-3 years based on identified
10:45-11: Break
11-11:30: working groups - report back to group
11:30-12:30: strategies for tracking open textbook use (with Lauri Aesoph)
12:30-1:30: lunch
1:30-2:15: PD roundtable - summarize a recent presentation or activity
2:15-2:45: strategies for grant management
2:45-3:15: BCOEL resources - what needs to be refreshed or created
3:15-3:30: wrap-up
Lin Brander| Librarian, Electronics & Computer Systems; Open Education|British
Columbia Institute of Technology T 604-432-8922<tel:604-432-8922>| E
lbrander@bcit.ca<mailto:lbrander@bcit.ca>| W