Hi Debra,


Thanks for getting the ball rolling. I am available to meet Tuesday morning (Nov. 29) around 9:30 if that would work for Ali and you? I am off on Thursday.






From: Flewelling, Debra <flewellingd@douglascollege.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 2:37 PM
To: Lovsin, Darcye <dlovsin@jibc.ca>; Roen Janyk <RJanyk@okanagan.bc.ca>; Debra Flewelling <bcoelsteering@lists.bccampus.ca>; Ali de Haan <ali.dehaan@Acsenda.com>
Subject: RE: Open Education Week Organizers


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HI Roen and Ali


Shall the three of us meet to discuss? Perhaps in the week of Nov. 28th. Would Tuesday or Thursday morning work? If so, I can set it up.





From: Bcoelsteering <bcoelsteering-bounces@lists.bccampus.ca> On Behalf Of Lovsin, Darcye
Sent: November 15, 2022 4:03 PM
To: Roen Janyk <rjanyk@okanagan.bc.ca>; Debra Flewelling <bcoelsteering@lists.bccampus.ca>; Ali de Haan <ali.dehaan@Acsenda.com>
Subject: [Bcoelsteering] Open Education Week Organizers


*** This email appears to originate outside of Douglas College. ***


Hi all,


Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!


The three of you have volunteered to potentially co-chair the organizing committee for the BCOEL Open Ed event (theme = ZTC/Course Marking). From the sounds of it, no one has the capacity to fully chair the organizing committee but there might be two of you who can co-chair. 


We do have a fairly large group who has volunteered to be on the organizing committee. Along with you three, the other volunteers are: 

  • Darcye Lovsin
  • Donna
  • Caja
  • Lindsay Tripp
  • Ian Linkletter
  • Gavin Hayes

Most likely, as co-chairs the additional work would be organizing meetings and ensuring everyone stays on task. But there are enough organizers that most of the work should not fall on you. 


Can I leave it up to you three to decide who will chair? Or at least to call the first meeting of all the volunteers and then we can go from there? 


Thank you so much :) 





Darcye Lovsin (she/her), BA, MI 

Librarian, reference and instruction 


office: 604.5285592 







New Westminster Campus | qiqéyt (Qayqayt), xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) and Coast Salish Traditional Territories


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