Open Scholarship in Practice

Open Scholarship in Practice 2020

Join us November 2–6 for a week of free webinars and workshops exploring the practice of open scholarship — from new tools that can increase the reproducibility of research, to new pedagogies that become possible when students and faculty members become co-creators engaged in meaningful, generative knowledge creation. Hear from UBC colleagues who are incorporating “openness” in innovative ways to enhance teaching, research, and public impact.

Explore the full event calendar here, or browse the sessions below.
Here is a highlight of a few of the sessions!

Working in Public: Generosity and the Knowledge Commons

Date: Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Time: 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Location: A Zoom video conferencing link will be provided prior to the event to all who are confirmed to participate.

Featured Keynote: Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Director of Digital Humanities and Professor of English Michigan State University

Working in public, and with the public, can enable scholars to build vital, sustainable research communities, both within their fields, with other scholars in different fields, and with folks off-campus who care about the kinds of work that we do. By finding ways to connect with a broad range of publics, in a range of different registers, and in ways that allow for meaningful response, we can create the possibilities for far more substantial public participation in and engagement with the humanities, and with the academy more broadly. This talk explores the ideas in Professor Fitzpatrick’s influential book, Generous Thinking, and will focus on the challenges posed by working in public and the skills required to develop more publicly engaged scholarship.

Co-sponsored by the UBC Library and the UBC Public Humanities Hub.

Register Here

Emerging Perspectives in Open Access Book Publishing

Date: Wednesday, November 4, 2020 
Time: 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Location: A Zoom video conferencing link will be provided prior to the event to all who are confirmed to participate.

Open Access monograph publishing is a rapidly expanding and evolving strategy for making scholarly work globally accessible. Universities, academic publishers, libraries, and scholarly organizations are developing new initiatives, partnerships, services, and business models to support open access options for authors of scholarly monographs, textbooks, and academic books. This event will explore the opportunities, challenges, and experiences of OA book publishing from the perspective of authors, series editors and publishers. You are invited to join a panel discussion of UBC faculty and publishers that will address their motivations for “going open”, as well as the processes, impacts, and changes that OA is bringing to academic book publishing.


  • Katherine Bowers, Katherine Bowers, Associate Professor of Slavic Studies, UBC Department of Central, Eastern, and Northern European Studies
  • Megan Brand, Production Editor, UBC Press
  • Rupert Gatti, Co-founder and Director of Open Book Publishers; Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Director of Studies in Economics
  • Mark Turin, Associate Professor, UBC Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies & Department of Anthropology

Register Here

Publishing As Open Pedagogy: OJS & Pressbooks

Date: Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Location: A Zoom video conferencing link will be provided prior to the event to all who are confirmed to participate.

As open education continues to gain traction in higher education, many are looking for ways to expand their integration of open approaches beyond merely the inclusion of open materials. Open publishing is beginning to emerge as one pathway towards greater engagement in openness in the classroom. This panel will introduce participants to five people working in various capacities to support student publishing through Open Journal Systems and PressBooks, two open source publishing platforms that allow for open dissemination of student-created, instructor-supported content.

Register Here

Erin M.E. Fields  BA, BEd, MLIS (She, Her, Hers)
Open Education and Scholarly Communications Librarian
UBC Library | Scholarly Communications and Copyright Office
The University of British Columbia | Walter C. Koerner Library | Musqueam Traditional Territory
1958 Main Mall | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z2 Canada
Phone 604 822 0977 | Emefie |

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