Hi Debra,
It might have been me that you were thinking of - Patricia Cia, Director of Academic Innovation at Langara, pitched a .5 Open Ed Coordinator position to senior leadership a few months ago. When all of the proposals were
ranked, it emerged around #10 out of 20...
So, while it's not likely we will get a dedicated continuing position soon, Patricia did find funds to keep one of our contract employees on from October 2019 to the end of March 2020 to work on open ed related projects
(in addition to some reference and instruction). I would be happy to share the proposal when I'm back in office tomorrow.
At our last “in person” meeting I mentioned I would like to request some release time (25% plus) for an Open Education Faculty Fellow within Douglas.
Someone, other than Kwantlen who has an Associate Vice Provost for Open Education, mentioned at the meeting that there is someone at their institution and I thought I jotted that down and now I can’t find where I jotted that down :)
Could you let me know if you have something or trying to get something like this at your institution. If you have a Faculty Fellow or are working on it, have you put forward a rationale proposal and would you be willing to share that document?
Thanks for any information you can provide.
Debra Flewelling
Open Education Librarian
T 604.527.5190 F 604.527.5193