Hi Debra - I just want to confirm that the message you sent says emails to the listserv can only have 10 recipients? That seems quite low.

I know there was one time last year I sent an email to the listserv and it somehow had the listserv email AND it included every individual email on the listserv as a recipient. This email did not go through because it had too many recepients. I'm still not sure how it happened because on my end I only added the listserv email, but just throwing it out there if that could be the issue again. 

Leva and I have also been trying to send an email through the listserv and twice it has not gone through (although it also doesn't seem to be being held so I'm not exactly sure what is happening). Heads up Debra I'm sending it again! To the general listserv not the steering committee. 


Darcye Lovsin (she/her), BA, MI 




office: 604.528.5592


This email may contain information related to copyright. This is for educational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice.

From: Flewelling, Debra <flewellingd@douglascollege.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2023 10:05 AM
To: Amanda Grey <Amanda.Grey@kpu.ca>; Lin Brander <Lin_Brander@bcit.ca>
Cc: Debra Flewelling <bcoelsteering@lists.bccampus.ca>
Subject: [Bcoelsteering] Re: October BCOEL Meeting

NOTE: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Okay – I just saw an email this morning for the BCOELSteering and the problem and I’ve just released the email. Here is the message and it seems it is about the number of recipients:


As list administrator, your authorization is requested for the following mailing list posting:


    List:    bcoelsteering@lists.bccampus.ca

    From:    amanda.grey@kpu.ca

    Subject: BCOEL Steering Committee Meeting


The message is being held because:


    Message has more than 10 recipients


At your convenience, visit your dashboard to approve or deny the request.



From: Amanda Grey <Amanda.Grey@kpu.ca>
Sent: September 26, 2023 9:55 AM
To: Lin Brander <Lin_Brander@bcit.ca>
Cc: Debra Flewelling <bcoelsteering@lists.bccampus.ca>
Subject: [Bcoelsteering] Re: October BCOEL Meeting


*** This email appears to originate outside of Douglas College. ***


Hi Lin,


Other people have been having issues with not getting the BCOEL Steering listserv… It’s weird that it’s being inconsistent for you though. CC’ing Debra in case she might know why?


No worries!



From: Lin Brander <Lin_Brander@bcit.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2023 8:46 AM
To: Amanda Grey <Amanda.Grey@kpu.ca>
Subject: RE: October BCOEL Meeting


CAUTION External Sender: Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.


Thanks Amanda,

I seem to not be getting very many emails from you but some are getting through OK. I didn’t get the adjusted meeting invite, for instance, or the two about the poll, or any about the Sept. meeting. Just wanted to let you know that I am not ignoring you!



From: Amanda Grey <Amanda.Grey@kpu.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2023 8:07 AM
To: Debra Flewelling <bcoelsteering@lists.bccampus.ca>
Subject: [Bcoelsteering] Re: October BCOEL Meeting


CAUTION: This email originated from outside of BCIT. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.


Hi everyone,


The votes about when to hold our October meeting were close, but the result is to move it to Tuesday Oct 10. I’ve sent out an adjusted meeting invitation. Let me know if there are any issues!


Thanks for your participation,



From: Amanda Grey <Amanda.Grey@kpu.ca>
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2023 9:42 AM
To: Debra Flewelling <bcoelsteering@lists.bccampus.ca>
Subject: [Bcoelsteering] Re: October BCOEL Meeting


WARNING: This email has been flagged. It may be falsifying its origin.

Apologies – the full link to the poll didn’t paste correctly: https://strawpoll.com/kjn18JK27yQ





From: Amanda Grey <Amanda.Grey@kpu.ca>
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2023 8:46 AM
To: Debra Flewelling <bcoelsteering@lists.bccampus.ca>
Subject: [Bcoelsteering] October BCOEL Meeting


WARNING: This email has been flagged. It may be falsifying its origin.



For our October BCOEL Meeting, we moved it from the second Monday (9th) to the third Monday (16th) because of Thanksgiving. However, I notice that Monday the 16th is the OE Global Conference and several of us will be attending and therefore unavailable.


I see three options:

  1. Move it to Monday Oct 23
  2. Move it to Tuesday Oct 10 (same time, 1-2pm)
  3. Cancel it and wait until our next meeting (Nov 20)


Please vote in this StrawPoll by the end of next week (Friday Sept 22) so that I can make a decision and update everyone in time.







Amanda Grey, MLIS (she/her)
Open Education Strategist, Teaching & Learning Commons
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
e amanda.grey@kpu.ca
w www.kpu.ca/open

We at Kwantlen Polytechnic University respectfully acknowledge that we live, work and study in a region that overlaps with the unceded traditional and ancestral First Nations territories of the Musqueam, Katzie, Semiahmoo, Tsawwassen, Qayqayt, and Kwikwetlem; and with the lands of the Kwantlen First Nation, which gifted its name to this universityKwantlen Polytechnic University   Where thought meets action