Hello All,

The First Nations and Indigenous Studies Program and UBC Library will be hosting an Honouring Indigenous Writers Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon on March 2nd from 1-4pm at the Sty-Wet-Tan Hall in the First Nations Longhouse at UBC Vancouver campus.

Wikipedia is a multilingual, web-based, free encyclopedia based on a model of open community-generated knowledge. This edit-a-thon is seeking to improve the coverage of Indigenous writers on Wikipedia and to encourage diverse community editors to actively work to dissuade assumptions about Indigenous literature by raising their profile in this increasingly influential information source. Attendees will pick authors from a list of Indigenous authors who have approved their inclusion in this event and edit/create their Wikipedia articles.

The event is free, catered, and features guest speakers who will share their experiences as Indigenous authors. Please bring your own laptop.

Event page:


If you are interested in developing your own Honouring Indigenous Writers Wikipedia Edit-a-thon, we would love to support you in this work. You can find the planning materials here: https://t.co/yIyk1QF2E0?amp=1

Please let us know of your interest!  And if you available, we would love to have you at the March 2 event!

Erin Fields 

Erin Fields  MLIS, BEd, BA
SLAIS Liaison Librarian, Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Social Justice Librarian, Flexible Learning Coordinator
Humanities and Social Sciences Department - Koerner Library | UBC Library
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
1958 Main Mall | Vancouver British Columbia | V6T 1Z2 Canada
Phone 604 822 0977
erin.fields@ubc.ca | @Emefie
http://www.library.ubc.ca | http://directory.library.ubc.ca/people/view/798

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