Hi, all.


Attached are the powerpoint slides from the BCLA session on OER in both pptx format and open document format.


I finally tried uploading the file to the library toolshed, but apparently I have triggered the spam filter, so I will have to wait until that is resolved. It is supposed to live here:




Note the CC license on the first slide. I believe we once briefly discussed preparing a stock statement that could be applied to any of the original work we complete/undertake. All the statement really needs added is the home URL of whatever content we are licensing. Not sure if we want to designate a BCOEL home location for this file and future content?





Martin Warkentin

Copyright Librarian

University of the Fraser Valley

33844 King Road, Abbotsford, BC

Canada V2S 7M8

(604) 504-7441 Ext. 4460