

Just a reminder about our BCOEL meeting tomorrow at 1:30. I’ve added a few agenda items here http://bcoerguides.wikispaces.com/Meeting+Agenda+and+Virtual+Meeting+Room+Instructions


Please feel free to add more.




From: Rosario Passos [mailto:rosario.passos@bccampus.ca]
Sent: March-22-17 11:45 AM
To: Flewelling, Debra
Cc: bcoelsteering (bcoelsteering@kodos.bccampus.ca); Amanda Coolidge
Subject: Re: [Bcoelsteering] Next meeting will be Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Thanks Debra, and welcome Karen.


I will attend the meeting (thanks for keeping me as part of the group :-) ) but your BCcampus representative will be Amanda. As you know, my position with BCcampus comes to an end March 31. I am copying Amanda on this note as I am not sure she is part of the steering committee.


Cheers, and hopefully I will get to see some of you during Open Education Week next week.


Rosario Passos

Advisor, Open Education

BCcampus | connect.collaborate.innovate.

236-888-8599 | rosario.passos@bccampus.ca
200-555 Seymour Street | Vancouver BC V6B 3H6
 | @BCcampus | #BCcampus

Twitter: @PW_Passos | Skype: Portuguese_woman



From: "Debra Flewelling" <flewellingd@douglascollege.ca>
To: "bcoelsteering (bcoelsteering@kodos.bccampus.ca)" <bcoelsteering@kodos.bccampus.ca>
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2017 4:17:36 PM
Subject: [Bcoelsteering] Next meeting will be Tuesday, April 11, 2017




I’d like to welcome Karen Meijer-Kline, Scholarly Communications Librarian at Kwantlen, to our steering committee.


Our next Skype meeting will be at 1:30 on Tuesday, April 11, 2017.


Talk to you then.



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