

The best day for our next meeting for most people is Oct. 18th at 1:00 PM.  I’m going to play around with Blue Jeans and see if it works better than Skype. I’ll contact everyone closer to that date.


On another note, Amanda Coolidge received an email from a grad student in the Information Science program at the University of North Carolina. She said she is writing her masters paper on creating an Open Textbook Rubric for Librarians and Amanda sent her the Rubric that the BCOEL have on our website but she said it was a good starting point but a bit different from what she’s looking for. She wants to know if we have any other information or know of studies that analyze librarian’s opinions of Open Access. Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions I could pass on?






Debra Flewelling

Open Education & Emerging Technologies Librarian

T  604.527.5190  F  604.527.5193



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