We had it as one year being Chair at first but the year goes fast and it just seemed that you only get the hang of scheduling, working out technologies and taking over the listservs and then it is over. But when you put it that way that the Chair Elect would be making a 4 year commitment, it does sound like a long time. Perhaps we have been operating long enough that we could go back to 1 year.




From: Lin Brander [mailto:Lin_Brander@bcit.ca]
Sent: Thursday, March 8, 2018 3:44 PM
To: Flewelling, Debra <flewellingd@douglascollege.ca>; bcoelsteering (bcoelsteering@kodos.bccampus.ca) <bcoelsteering@kodos.bccampus.ca>
Subject: RE: Early resignation as Chair of BCOEL


I can’t remember why we went for a four year commitment but that seems too long. Does the group want to reduce this to one year Chair elect and one year Chair?


From: Bcoelsteering <bcoelsteering-bounces@mail.bccampus.ca> On Behalf Of Flewelling, Debra
Sent: Thursday, March 8, 2018 3:28 PM
To: bcoelsteering (bcoelsteering@kodos.bccampus.ca) <bcoelsteering@kodos.bccampus.ca>
Subject: [Bcoelsteering] Early resignation as Chair of BCOEL


Hi everyone,


Normally I would stay on as Chair of the BCOEL until we have our spring/summer meeting but I have to resign early due to a medical leave.  It is nothing dire (hip replacement) but it means I’ll be off for a while. Brenda is the Chair Elect and we just talked today and she has kindly agreed to take on the Chair’s duties early.


Since Brenda is now Chair, we would like to ask for a volunteer for Chair Elect.  For a list of duties see the following  https://docs.google.com/document/d/10xQqvK2Q08uGab7_ny8NeYFx7ZBAKodgZg3l3U7om2o/edit#heading=h.189egfv9znjk


Let me know if you have any problems viewing this document and let me know if you’re interested in being the Chair Elect.







Debra Flewelling

Open Education Librarian

T  604.527.5190  F  604.527.5193



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