Hi everyone,


At the BCOEL Steering committee meeting today, we decided to try and do the June in person that was discussed at the Cascadia lunch as a half day meeting on either Monday, June 11 or Wednesday, June 13. (As the main “out of town” person, I’ll be in Vancouver for a meeting on the 12th). Please fill out the poll to see which of these dates work best for you. If neither of them work, please let me know.


Doodle poll: https://doodle.com/poll/rxh3pu3hrpaum6nq


So far, we know that we want to talk about/work on the following:

o             Youtube channel content

o             Maintaining website  - who should do? How frequently?

o             Review decisions from January – are things working?;

o             What are our plans for the next year?

o             Time for working group to plan out remainder of the year and/or work on projects


Is there anything else that you think we should do during this time to make it productive?



