Hi everyone,


Our IT hasn’t gotten back to me re: setting up bluejeans. Debra, who will be able to attend our meeting, has graciously offered to use her bluejeans.


So, please go to: https://bluejeans.com/6045275190 to login to the meeting today at 10am.



1.      Festival of Learning Meeting

2.      Wikispace Transition

3.      Outdated Website (https://open.bccampus.ca/bcoer-librarians/)

4.      Maintaining an events page

5.      Working group membership

6.      Chair elect terms

7.      Roundtable – what’s happening at your institution or newsworthy info re: Open Ed

8.      Next meeting


Looking forward to chatting with you all,






From: Bcoelsteering [mailto:bcoelsteering-bounces@mail.bccampus.ca] On Behalf Of Brenda Smith
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 1:44 PM
To: 'bcoelsteering@mail.bccampus.ca' <bcoelsteering@mail.bccampus.ca>
Subject: Re: [Bcoelsteering] April Meeting


Hi everyone,


Just wanted to send out a quick call for agenda items for Thursday’s BCOEL Steering Meeting. I haven’t heard back from our IT department re: blue jeans. I’m going to follow up with them again today, so stay tuned.




From: Brenda Smith
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2018 9:25 AM
To: 'bcoelsteering@mail.bccampus.ca' <
Subject: April Meeting


Hi everyone,


The next meeting for the BCOEL Steering Committee will be on Thursday, April 19th at 10am. I’m working with our IT department to set up blue jeans, and I’ll let you know when I have more details. If you have anything that you would like to add to the agenda, please let me know.



