Hi all,


In case you haven’t seen this from the UBC iSchool Engagement Lab, I’m forwarding it in case you are interested in participating. I just finish my hour interview this morning and I naturally spoke all about our great group 😊 and that I wouldn’t be in my current job if it wasn’t for BCOEL.


Talk to you next week.






From: iSchool Engagement Lab
Sent: May 5, 2020 11:25 AM
To: Flewelling, Debra
Subject: Seeking Participants for a UBC study on the evolving roles of information professionals


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Please forward to any colleagues who might be interested in participating in this study. Thank you.



are seeking librarians and archivists to participate in a study on professional experiences with knowledge exchange work. By knowledge exchange work, we are referring to the ways in which librarians and archivists help to translate, share, and move information

within and between the communities they serve. Librarians and archivists might engage in this work as part of a research team, in relation to open access and scholarly communication initiatives, by supporting community archives, adopting or facilitating community-led

strategies in the development of library services and programs, connecting libraries and the public in ways that lead to knowledge exchange, and so on. 



study will consist of an interview that will take no more than 60 minutes and will be scheduled at participants’ convenience. The interview will take place by telephone. 



is voluntary and confidential. There are no anticipated personal risks associated with your participation. There is a small monetary compensation in the form of a $20 gift card for taking part. 



study is being conducted as part of a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Partnership Development Grant that is focused on supporting and building capacity for knowledge exchange and democratic research relationships between researchers

and communities.  



study runs from February 24, 2020 onwards. To schedule an appointment please contact:




Investigator: Dr. Heather O'Brien, UBC School of Information (h.obrien@ubc.ca / 604-827-5842)


Kristina McDavid, UBC Library (kristina.mcdavid@ubc.ca / 604-827-0578)