

See Martin’s email below to more details on the classes and workshop he did at UFV (as I mentioned at our last meeting).




From: Martin Warkentin [mailto:Martin.Warkentin@ufv.ca]
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2018 9:26 AM
To: Flewelling, Debra <flewellingd@douglascollege.ca>
Subject: Regrets on BCOER meeting




Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the February 28th BCOER meeting, but I will pass along a couple of comments for possible discussion.


1. Wiki deactivation – Too bad, of course, but glad I didn’t end up investing a lot of time in converting the OK open education libguide. One thought I had was re-purposing the wiki content into a Pressbooks publication. Everyone probably has some experience with the platform, its use seems to be increasing and therefore likely to be around for a while, and it has a number of export options that could keep the content shareable/resuable (though my memory on the specifics is fuzzy). Wondering what others think?


2. I have two lesson designs, content, and observations from my use that I hope will interest a few people in some 5R collaboration to produce some more polished and useful advocacy and teaching content.


The first is a Creative Commons workshop I did for an internal professional development day. After an overview of CC licenses, participants are given a series of exercises that involve figuring out how differently licensed content can be combined in an OER product, including a hypothetical sample of their own content with their preferred licenses assigned. Some treatment of Traditional Knowledge licenses is also covered.


The second is an attempt to integrate OER advocacy with a library research session for first-year research and writing course (English 105 here at UFV). This is my first stab at one of the goals of a working group (Lin, Shawnna, and I – can’t remember how we articulated the goal). The classroom results were pretty good: the discussion resonated with the students and I seem to have persuaded the instructor to consider using OERs.


I am not going to be able to assemble and send out all the materials and further details before next week’s meeting – and a lot is still in generally incomprehensible handwritten notes. But hopefully the above descriptions pique some interest.


Anyway, my schedule is opening up a bit in the next couple of months, so I have to get myself back in the BCOER loop.






Martin Warkentin

Copyright Librarian

University of the Fraser Valley

33844 King Road, Abbotsford, BC

Canada V2S 7M8

(604) 504-7441 Ext. 4460