Hi all,

At our last BCOEL Steering Committee meeting I'd checked to see if there was interest in jointly planning and hosting an event for Open Access Week (October 22-28) this fall. This year's theme is Designing Equitable Foundations for Open Knowledge and additional details are available here: https://tinyurl.com/y7sk6wrr

If you're interested, please let me know (say by early next week?) and I'll work on finding a meeting time for an initial brainstorming and planning session.

I'm also copying my colleague Kate Shuttleworth, Digital Scholarship Librarian, on this message as she'll be coordinating much of our Open Access Week programming at SFU this fall as well.

Cheers, Hope


Hope Power
Teaching & Learning Librarian
W.A.C. Bennett Library (Burnaby)
Simon Fraser University
hpower@sfu.ca / 778.782.4359