Hello everyone,


Leva Lee and Helena Pins, co-hosts of the weekly radio show Lunchable Learnings (http://lunchablelearning.opened.ca), are hosting a show on December 13 where they will be doing shout-outs to the post-secondary sector and they would like to acknowledge the work of the BCOEL.


On December 13, tune in at 12pm on DS106 Radio for a special shoutout to BCOEL and a surprise song request (chosen by Darcye and I). Enjoy!


All the best,



Donna Langille, MISt (SheHerHers, TheyThemTheirs)
Community Engagement and Open Education Librarian
UBC Okanagan Library
The University of British Columbia | Okanagan Campus | Syilx Okanagan Nation Territory
Phone 250 807 9233
donna.langille@ubc.cahttp://library.ok.ubc.ca/ | https://open.ubc.ca/


Respectfully acknowledging that I am an uninvited visitor on the unceded territory of the Syilx peoples.


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