Thanks for the congratulations!  It should be an exciting project that I’m sure Caroline, Hope and I will bring back to BCOEL.


From: Bcoelsteering <> On Behalf Of Leva Lee
Sent: March-08-19 12:11 PM
To: Lin Brander <>
Subject: Re: [Bcoelsteering] FW: Announcing CARL VPO and WG in open ed


Congrats to Erin and all! So pleased to hear the work of our BCOEL is so far-reaching.


 Didn’t seem that long ago when we were first cited in the 2015 Horizons Report way back when...




Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 8, 2019, at 11:25 AM, Lin Brander <> wrote:

Congratulations Erin, Caroline, and Hope!

I’m looking forward to attending the CARL session ahead of the Library Publishing Forum:


From: Lise Brin <>
Sent: Friday, March 8, 2019 10:59 AM
To: Lise Brin <>
Subject: Announcing CARL VPO and WG in open ed – Annonce de notre équipe en éducation ouverte


Dear OER Jumpstart attendees,

Chers participants à RÉL – rencontre de démarrage,


I just wanted to make sure you received the announcement below. We are thankful for your excellent suggestions, and look forward to working with Erin and this wonderful working group on moving them forward.


Je voulais m'assurer que vous receviez l’annonce ci-dessous. Nous sommes reconnaissants pour vos excellentes suggestions et nous avons hâte de pouvoir travailler avec Erin et ce groupe de travail formidable afin de faire progresser vos idées.







Message bilingue – bilingual message.

Please share widely – veuillez SVP distribuer largement.



Announcing CARL’s Visiting Program Officer and Working Group for Open Education


Ottawa, March 8, 2019. – CARL is pleased to announce the knowledgeable and diverse team that will support its program of bilingual initiatives to strengthen the open education community within Canada’s academic libraries.


First, we would like to welcome Erin Fields, who will be leading CARL’s open education efforts while on a one-year part-time secondment in the newly created role of Visiting Program Officer for Open Education.


For the past four years Erin, who is Liaison Librarian in the humanities and social sciences and Flexible Learning Coordinator at the University of British Columbia, has engaged in partnerships related to open education including open badge credentials, Wikipedia-based assignments and edit-athons, open education practices, and content curation for open repositories. She has played an important role in the BC Open Education Librarians network, a service for librarians and academics requesting guidance and support in engaging in open education practices including open textbook adoptions and creation. Erin was one of the 2018 BCcampus Research and Advocacy Fellows and is currently finishing her research on critical information literacy intersections with open pedagogy.


As part of her role as VPO, Erin will work closely with Joy Kirchner (Dean of Libraries, York University), who will chair CARL’s equally new Open Education Working Group. This group, which brings together librarians from post-secondary institutions across the country, will provide experienced input and advice to guide CARL’s open education initiatives.


Members of the CARL Open Education Working Group:

Joy Kirchner, Dean of Libraries, York University
Nicole Askin, Liaison Librarian – Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Virtual Library, University of Manitoba
Michelle Brailey, Digital Initiatives Projects Librarian, University of Alberta
Lise Brin, Program Officer, CARL
Mélanie Brunet, Copyright Services Librarian, University of Ottawa
Dianne Cmor, Associate University Librarian, Teaching & Learning, Concordia University
Rosarie Coughlan, Scholarly Publishing Librarian, Queen’s University
Caroline Daniels, Systems Librarian, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Jean-François Durnin, bibliothécaire | sciences de l’éducation, Université de Montréal
Erin Fields, Liaison Librarian in the humanities and social sciences and Flexible Learning Coordinator, UBC, and CARL VPO for OER
Christie Hurrell, Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communication Librarian, University of Calgary
Manisha Khetarpal, Continuing and Open Education Team Lead, Maskwacis Cultural College
Ann Ludbrook, Copyright and Scholarly Engagement Librarian, Ryerson University
Laurie Morrison, Head, Liaison Services, Brock University
Olga Perkovic, Research and Advanced Studies Librarian, McMaster University
Hope Power, Teaching & Learning Librarian, Simon Fraser University
Stephanie Quail, Business Librarian, York University
Ann Smith, Academic Librarian, Acadia University
Ali Versluis, Open Educational Resources Librarian, University of Guelph
Nicole Allen, Director of Open Education, SPARC (resource)
Lillian Hogendoorn, Digital Access and OER Lead, eCampus Ontario (resource)



Présentation de l’agente de programme invitée et du groupe de travail sur l’éducation ouverte de l’ABRC


Ottawa, le 7 mars 2019. – L’ABRC est heureuse d’annoncer la composition de l’équipe compétente et diversifiée qui appuiera son programme d’initiatives bilingues visant à renforcer la communauté de l’éducation ouverte au sein des bibliothèques post-secondaires du Canada.


Tout d’abord, nous souhaitons la bienvenue à Erin Fields, qui mènera les activités liées à l’éducation ouverte de l’ABRC dans le cadre d’un détachement d’un an à temps partiel dans le nouveau rôle d’agente de programme invitée pour l’éducation ouverte.


Au cours des quatre dernières années, Erin, qui est bibliothécaire de liaison en sciences humaines et en sciences sociales et coordonnatrice de l’apprentissage souple à l’University of British Columbia, s’est engagée dans des partenariats liés à l’éducation ouverte, dont les badges ouverts de compétences, les travaux et les marathons d’édition sur la plateforme Wikipédia, les pratiques en éducation ouverte et l’organisation des données pour les dépôts en accès libre. Elle a joué un grand rôle au sein du réseau desBC Open Education Librarians, un service à l’intention des bibliothécaires et des universitaires à la recherche de conseils et de soutien pour la mise en œuvre de pratiques en éducation ouverte, y compris l’adoption et la création de textes en libre accès. Boursière en recherche et en défense des intérêts du BCcampus en 2018, Erin termine actuellement ses recherches sur les rapports essentiels entre la culture informationnelle et la pédagogie ouverte.


À titre d’agente de programme invitée, Erin travaillera en étroite collaboration avec Joy Kirchner, doyenne des bibliothèques, à la York University, qui assurera la présidence du tout aussi nouveau Groupe de travail sur l’éducation ouverte de l’ABRC. Le groupe, qui réunit des bibliothécaires d’établissements postsecondaires de tout le pays, fournira des commentaires et des conseils avisés afin de guider les initiatives d’éducation ouverte de l’ABRC.


Membres du Groupe de travail sur l’éducation ouverte de l’ABRC:

Joy Kirchner, Dean of Libraries, York University
Nicole Askin, Liaison Librarian – Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Virtual Library, University of Manitoba
Michelle Brailey, Digital Initiatives Projects Librarian, University of Alberta
Lise Brin, Agente de programme, ABRC
Mélanie Brunet, Bibliothécaire des droits d’auteur, Université d’Ottawa
Dianne Cmor, Associate University Librarian, Teaching & Learning, Concordia University
Rosarie Coughlan, Scholarly Publishing Librarian, Queen’s University
Caroline Daniels, Systems Librarian, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Jean-François Durnin, bibliothécaire | sciences de l’éducation, Université de Montréal
Erin Fields, Liaison Librarian in the humanities and social sciences and Flexible Learning Coordinator, UBC, et Agente de programme invitée en éducation ouverte de l’ABRC
Christie Hurrell, Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communication Librarian, University of Calgary
Manisha Khetarpal, Continuing and Open Education Team Lead, Maskwacis Cultural College
Ann Ludbrook, Copyright and Scholarly Engagement Librarian, Ryerson University
Laurie Morrison, Head, Liaison Services, Brock University
Olga Perkovic, Research and Advanced Studies Librarian, McMaster University
Hope Power, Teaching & Learning Librarian, Simon Fraser University
Stephanie Quail, Business Librarian, York University
Ann Smith, Academic Librarian, Acadia University
Ali Versluis, Open Educational Resources Librarian, University of Guelph
Nicole Allen, Director of Open Education, SPARC (ressource)
Lillian Hogendoorn, Digital Access and OER Lead, eCampus Ontario (ressource)




Lise Brin, MLIS

Program Officer / Agente de programme




Canadian Association of Research Libraries

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