Hi All – I have the rubric but not the faculty guide. I’ll make changes and send them to Lauri? Or who should I send them to?



From: Bcoelsteering <bcoelsteering-bounces@mail.bccampus.ca> On Behalf Of Brenda Smith
Sent: October-10-18 4:28 PM
To: 'bcoelsteering@mail.bccampus.ca' <bcoelsteering@mail.bccampus.ca>
Subject: [Bcoelsteering] Rebranding our tools


Hi all,


Lauri from BCcampus asked me if we could rebrand the OERR rubric from BCOER to BCOEL. Here’s the link to what I mean: https://open.bccampus.ca/files/2014/07/OERR-Rubric.pdf . We should probably do the same for the faculty guide (https://open.bccampus.ca/files/2014/07/Faculty-Guide-29-mar-15.pdf). Does anyone have the original files to make these simple changes?



