Hi all,


I’ve heard about it, and also thought about applying. But when I looked into it more, it seemed a bit basic for me. But I do think that for people new/newer to OER and wanting to get more involved, it’s a good opportunity.


I think a lot of us are in a difficult spot re: this type of thing because some of us have been involved in open for so long that I question how much we would learn in this type of program. However, having “official” certification would be nice.


I think the SPARC Open Education Leadership Fellowship program that Hope and Donna did might(?) be a better fit for most of us?





From: Bcoelsteering <bcoelsteering-bounces@lists.bccampus.ca> On Behalf Of Karen Meijer-Kline
Sent: Friday, December 3, 2021 9:54 AM
To: Lovsin, Darcye <dlovsin@jibc.ca>; Debra Flewelling <bcoelsteering@lists.bccampus.ca>
Subject: Re: [Bcoelsteering] OER Librarian Certification


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Hi Darcye,


I’ve heard of it, and Urooj and I were looking into applying to it at one point.

I attended an information seminar and it sounded very interesting and useful, if a bit basic. So if you want a basic grounding in OER work, it would be a good one to do. I personally wasn’t sure whether it would offer anything new, although having dedicated time to spend thinking about OER work is always good, and it would be nice to have the certificate as something to show for it.  : )





From: Bcoelsteering <bcoelsteering-bounces@lists.bccampus.ca> On Behalf Of Lovsin, Darcye
Sent: December 3, 2021 9:50 AM
To: Debra Flewelling <bcoelsteering@lists.bccampus.ca>
Subject: [Bcoelsteering] OER Librarian Certification


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Has anyone heard of or participated in this program? https://open.umn.edu/otn/oercert/ 




Darcye Lovsin, BA, MI
Librarian, Reference & Instruction


JIBC Library
Tel:   604.528.5592 | Fax:  604.528.5593 | dlovsin@jibc.ca | copyright@jibc.ca

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