Hi everyone,


A few follow-up items from today’s steering committee meeting.


Caroline will contact BCcampus about changing the link to our website.


Just a reminder that all BCOEL steering committee members have to be on a working group. If you are on the steering committee, but your name does not appear in a working group below, please let me know which group(s) you would like to join. We are particularly looking for more members of the PD and Advocacy groups.


Website and Networked Tools

Caroline Daniels, Lucas Wright, Michel Castagné, Darcye Lovsin

Recruitment and External Engagement

Brenda Smith, Debra Flewelling

Professional Development and Advocacy

Hope Power, Martin Warkentin, Lin Brander


In today’s meeting we also formed a new working group related to Pressbooks. Caroline and Lin have agreed to be on this committee, and we’re looking for one or two others to join them.


We also established a group to work on the Wikispaces Conversion. The committee decided to use etherpad instead of google drive. Brenda will be in touch with the etherpad details. Brenda and Debra had already agreed to work on moving over the content from Wikispaces to another platform. Hope and Darcye will also work on this project. Debra, if you aren’t able to participate, please let me know.


We have tentatively scheduled an in-person sprint/meeting for either Thursday, November 1st or Monday, November 5th. We will discuss this further at the next Steering Committee meeting.


The will of the group today was to hold the next teleconference in the third week of September in a morning. I’ll send around a Doodle poll soon to see what works best for everyone, so we can put it in our calendars now before the fall semester starts and all of us have crazy schedules.


If you have any questions, please let me or Lin know.



