The first draft of the Open Textbooks for Courses Finder is ready for testing and feedback! Thank you to Lauri and Kaitlyn from BC Campus for all the work they've put in so far. 

Please use the link below to test the product. Send feedback to Lauri (lauri.aesoph@bccampus.ca) and copy the BCOEL listserv. 

Open Textbooks for Courses Finder

As this is the testing and review phase, do not share the project publicly. If there is someone outside BCOEL who you think would be a beneficial reviewer, please email Lauri to request access. 

Lauri will be attending our January 17th BCOEL meeting to do a formal demonstration. Please review the product and send any feedback/comments ahead of this meeting. We'd like to get the ball rolling on the review phase ahead of the demonstration, so the project is ready to roll out to the wider community as early as possible.

Donna and I are meeting with Lauri in the upcoming weeks to discuss the formal roll-out plan and will update the group as we have more information.

For now, happy exploring! 


Darcye Lovsin, BA, MI
Librarian, Reference & Instruction


JIBC Library
Tel:   604.528.5592 | Fax:  604.528.5593 | dlovsin@jibc.ca | copyright@jibc.ca

Justice Institute of British Columbia
Canada’s Leading Public Safety Educator

New Westminster Campus l Qayqayt and Musqueam Traditional Territories

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This email may contain information related to copyright. This is for educational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice.