Glad to hear about the great virtual participation in the Decolonizing Open event.  I recently participated virtually in a pre-Open Ed Conference event called OERizona.  Here's the program complete with presentation links, thought folks would be interested, 

I found some great resources in this presentation from the session on creation.  Steel Wagstaff, Pressbooks, and Apura Ashok, Rebus Community, “Expanding our sense of the possible: thinking more imaginatively about learner-centered OER [pdf]”


Jonas Lamb
Associate Professor
Public Services Librarian, Egan Library
University of Alaska Southeast
Egan Lib 202 | 11066 Auke Lake Way | Juneau, AK 99801
P: 907-796-6440 | F: 907-796-6249 | j.lamb@alaska.edu