

It looks like the best day and time for our next meeting is Thursday, Nov. 16th at 10:00 AM. Please connect via Blue Jeans with this link - https://bluejeans.com/6045275190


Proposal for BCLA conference and Festival of Learning will be on the agenda. Lin has suggested the following for the FOL:


Festival of Learning

Open and Private: Dichotomy or Roommates (who get along)

What should be open and what should be private? How do we encourage students to work in the open while keeping them safe in Cyberville? How do we help them develop their ability to make meaningful contributions to their disciplines and avoid having their privacy hacked? How do we encourage open practices and respect choices that people make for a myriad of reasons?


Talk to you next Thursday.



Debra Flewelling

Open Education & Emerging Technologies Librarian

Douglas College