Hi All,


See below for Rebecca Dowson’s response re: BCRLG PD committee – still active, and definitely open to working with other groups on pro-d events.






From: Rebecca Dowson [mailto:rda26@sfu.ca]
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2017 9:52 AM
To: Shawnna R Parlongo <shawnnaparlongo@capilanou.ca>
Subject: Re: BCRLG - still going?


Hi Shawnna,


My very sincere apologies for missing your email last month - I thought I had responded, but see I just responded in my mind ... ugh.


Anyway, the BCRLG Speaker Series committee is still active, although our focus in the past year or so has been to provide support in recording/streaming speakers that are visiting BC for other events in order to widen the reach of the event.  We are currently on a bit of a summer break, but will be re-convening when folks are back from vacations, etc.


We're quite interested in partnering with other groups and would be very happy to discuss possible co-programming when we get started up again in the fall.  If the BC OER steering group has any events in the works or ideas for future programming collaborations, please do sent them to our group.  You can send information my way and I will pass it on to the rest of the committee.  


I'm away for a few weeks, but let me know if you'd like to touch base later this month.




From: "Shawnna R Parlongo" <shawnnaparlongo@capilanou.ca>
To: "rda26@sfu.ca" <rda26@sfu.ca>
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2017 9:21:18 AM
Subject: BCRLG - still going?


Hi Rebecca,


Mark Bodnar gave me your name, suggesting you may be more up on the current status of the BCRLG.  I’m writing on behalf of the BC OER steering group from BC Campus – we’re exploring the notion of doing some shared programming with another pro-d group but weren’t sure if BCRLG is still active.  Apologies if not and/or you are no longer on the group ;-)  As far as you know – is the group still going?  Who’s the main contact?


Cheers and thanks!




Shawnna Parlongo, BA., M.L.I.S.

Teaching & Learning Librarian

Capilano University

2055 Purcell Way

North Vancouver, BC  V7J 3H5

604-986-1911 ext. 3515







Rebecca Dowson
Digital Scholarship Librarian
Simon Fraser University Library
8888 University Drive, Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 Canada
Email: rebecca_dowson@sfu.ca
Tel: 778.782.5869