Hi all,


Here is a link to the new BCOEL Steering Committee site, which replaced the wikipage.




Quick update on what’s been done to the site so far:

·         Content transferred from old wiki page to new site

·         Each wiki page became a new ‘post’ on a blog style website

·         To organize the information more clearly, categories were added to each post (ie. meeting minutes, projects, archives). Each category has a subsequent page in the top menu where relevant posts can be found.

·         The posts for ‘About BCOEL Steering Committee’ and ‘Frame of Reference’ were pinned to the website’s home page to act as a landing page.


Things to consider while viewing the site:

·         Each working group has a page that simply lists members. How do working groups want to use their page? (each group can decide for themselves)  

·         At the moment, the ‘projects’ page is tagged with all past projects. Some of these posts are also tagged under ‘archives’.

o   Should any of these posts be tagged under ‘resources’ instead of ‘projects’?

o   Or perhaps the final product be added as a resource?

·         Do you have other resources you’d like to add to the resources page (PowerPoint presentations, handouts, etc.)?

·         Do any of the ‘projects’/’resources’ need to be updated?

·         Are there any posts that should be tagged with a working group?


Review the webpage and send me any updates, comments, questions. Simple updates (ie. punctuation) I can update right away. Organizational suggestions I’ll gather together and we can discuss them at the face to face meeting in January.


Thank you everyone for your input.



Darcye Lovsin

Copyright Librarian
Langara Library
T 604.323.5290


100 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V5Y 2Z6

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